
  • 【法】raiding disrupting finance
  1. 美国政府还采取行动挽救保险公司美国国际集团,即AIG。布什总统说这家公司的失败可能严重扰乱金融市场并危及其它经济领域。

    It also moved to rescue the insurance firm American International Group , the failure of which Mr. Bush says could have caused a severe disruption in financial markets and threatened other sectors of the economy .

  2. 第三,刺激投机,扰乱金融。

    Thirdly , the domestic loans stimulated speculation and disrupted the financial .

  3. 目前,希腊的政治动荡正在扰乱金融市场,欧元区的声誉可能会因此进一步受损。

    The eurozone 's prestige could suffer further now that political turmoil in Greece is unsettling financial markets .

  4. 在对上调利率的时机进行争论时,人们也愈发担心美联储一旦采取行动,就会扰乱金融市场。

    Alongside the debate about the timing of rate hikes , there is growing concern that whenever the Fed moves , it will disrupt financial markets .

  5. 中国信托业严重扰乱金融市场的正常运行,并且在自身的资金来源、资金运用和内部管理制度等诸多方面存在着严重弊端。

    Trust industry distorted the financial market ; there were many drawbacks in trust industry operating area , such as capital resource , financial investment and internal management system ;

  6. 非法吸收公众存款是指个人、企业或其它组织未经国家金融监管机构批准,公开向社会公众非法吸收存款或者变相吸收存款扰乱金融秩序的行为。

    Illegal absorb public deposits refers to the individual or enterprise or other organization without the approval of the financial regulators , open to the public to illegal absorb deposits or in disguised form absorb deposit to disrupt the financial order behavior .

  7. 从而扰乱整个金融体系的正常价格关系。

    Disrupting normal price relationships across the financial system .

  8. 他表示,这一流行病已经扰乱了金融市场,并引发了对世界经济可能再度遭受重大经济冲击的警报。

    He says the epidemic has roiled financial markets and provoked alarm that the world economy may be in for another major economic shock .

  9. 一旦对股指期货运用或管理不当,就可能给投资者带来巨大损失,甚至扰乱国家的金融秩序。

    Once it is short of exact management on it , great losses will be brought to the investors and even the national financial system will be disturbed .

  10. 同时,其行为本身也严重扰乱破坏正常的金融秩序,危害金融安全。

    At the same time , the act itself disrupt the destruction of normal financial seriously .

  11. 上述行为提高了银行业的经营成本,增加了银行的风险,扰乱了正常的金融秩序。

    The above behaviors increase the operating costs and risks facing theof banks and disrupt the normal order in the financial industry .

  12. 银行业的不正当竞争严重扰乱了正常的金融秩序,损害了银行的信誉,并极容易造成金融风险。

    The unjust competitive behavior has disturbed greatly the normal financial order , damaged the goodwill of bank , which is easy to cause financial venture .

  13. 正规金融部门的低效率导致金融体系体外循环严重,民间金融盛行,规模庞大的民间金融扰乱了正常的金融秩序,影响了货币政策作用的发挥。

    And the formal financial order is ruined by the less efficiency of the normal financial departments , the prevalence of the folk finance which impacts the function of the monetary policies .