
  1. 指纽约证券交易所会员公司之股东或合伙人。联合会员依规定不得于交易厅内进行业务。

    A general partner or voting stock holder of a NYSE member firm ; allowed to perform transactions on the exchange floor .

  2. 我国证券交易所虽形似会员制,然而行政色彩浓厚,自身缺乏独立自主性,与国外的会员制交易所绝不相同。

    In our country the stock exchange system is similar to the member system , but its administrative color is strong and it is lack of the independence , which is totally different from the system abroad .

  3. 但证券交易所不愿光为会员牟利。

    But the exchanges were unhappy with being institutions solely for the benefit for their members .

  4. 证券交易所的积累归会员所有,其权益由会员共同享有,在其存续期间,不得将其积累分配给会员。

    The accumulated gain of a stock exchange belongs to the members , who jointly share the right to the accumulation . In the time the stock exchange exists , the accumulation shall not be allocated to the members .

  5. 第一百零三条进入证券交易所参与集中竞价交易的,必须是具有证券交易所会员资格的证券公司。

    Article 103 . The securities companies that participate in collective trading through bidding at a stock exchange must be those that hold stock exchange membership .

  6. 此外,即便是从出售美国证券交易所位在曼哈顿的总部的预期净收益来看,纽约泛欧交易所普通股也将分给美国证券交易所会员。

    In addition , net proceeds , if any , from the expected sale of Amex 's lower Manhattan headquarters will be distributed to Amex members in NYSE Euronext common stock .