
zhènɡ mínɡ duì xiànɡ
  • object of proof
  1. 本文重点论述我国刑事法律规定的渎职侵权案件的证明对象,不涉及刑诉法规定的证明对象。

    This article interpreted the object of proof of the pirating case under the state criminal law regulated .

  2. 证明对象是民事诉讼证明活动的首要一环,是诉讼证明的前提和基础。

    The object of proof is the vital link in civil litigation proof activity , and the premise and foundation of judicial proof .

  3. 行政强制证明对象包括实体性事实和程序性事实。

    Administrative compulsory object of demonstration include case fact and procedure fact .

  4. 本章主要考察作为证据证明对象的案件事实。

    This chapter mainly focuses on the case facts as the proving object of evidence .

  5. 这个例子可以证明对象可以在彼此不知道任何信息的情况下一起工作。

    This example illustrates that objects can work together without needing to know any information about each other .

  6. 证明对象不同,其相应的证明方法也不同。

    If the subject of the proof is different , so is the corresponding method of the proof .

  7. 但在公司人格否认诉讼中,主观要件不是当然的证明对象。

    In the case of disregard litigation of corporate entity , the subjective state is not the object should be proved .

  8. 审判法官不是消极的被证明对象,而是应该承担主要证明责任的主体,法院也不应该消极对待当事人的回避主张。

    Judges shall not respond to the application of challenge in a negative way , but shall take the main responsibility to challenge .

  9. 然而,基本罪名已经确定后,量刑程序的证明对象广泛,自由证明在量刑程序中广泛使用,单一的定罪证明标准难以完全适用于量刑程序。

    After the determination of the basic offenses , the single conviction standard of proof is difficult to fully applicable to the sentencing process .

  10. 刑事诉讼中的证明对象是用证据证明与追究犯罪行为人刑事责任有关的一切需要证明的事实。

    To prove objects in a criminal litigation is to prove all the facts that need proving relating to investigating the criminal responsibility of the liable subject .

  11. 从证明对象上来看,我国犯罪客体属于多余要件,而违法性要件则为遗漏要件;

    From the angle of proof object , the object of crime is superfluous and the element of illegality is left out in our constitution of crime ;

  12. 最后用对象云相似性对该表达方法进行分析验证,证明对象云能够很好地表达图像中的模糊对象区域。

    At last , the similarities between Object-clouds have been proposed and testified the method . Experiments validated that Object-cloud could represent the fuzzy region in image perfectly .

  13. 在个案诉讼中,股东协议与公司章程具有不同的证明对象,不存在以哪个为准的问题。

    In a case of lawsuit , there does not exist a final confirmation between shareholder agreements and articles of incorporation , depending on different objects of proof .

  14. 论证了证明对象的理论基础,包括认识论和语用学两个方面,分析了证明对象的特征及功能。

    The article demonstrated the theoretical basis for the object of proof , including two aspects about epistemology and pragmatics , then analyzed the characteristic and function of the object of proof .

  15. 法定的逮捕证明对象应当包括是否有犯罪事实、是否可能判处徒刑以上刑罚和是否有逮捕必要三个方面。

    The statutory proof object of detention should include whether it is of criminal facts , whether it has the possibility of being sentenced penalty above imprisonment and whether it has detention necessity .

  16. 因此,在未来的刑事证据法中,必须重新构建证明对象、证明责任、证明标准规则,使得法庭审判真正保持最基本的诉讼形态。

    Therefore , in the future criminal evidence law , the rules about object of proof , burden of proof and standard of proof should be reestablished , in order to keep the most basic litigious conformation .

  17. 本文第三章对股东资格认定在实践中涉及到的各判断要素的效力、证明对象和一般适用规则展开探讨。

    Chapter III of this article to the shareholders of the qualification in practice of all involved in the judgment of the elements of effectiveness and prove that the object and general discussion on the applicable rules expand .

  18. 不同的纠纷类别、同一类别纠纷中不同证明对象之间及实体要件和程序要件之间对证明标准的要求并不是划一的,而是可以调节的。

    Different categories of disputes , the same type of disputes between different objects and physical elements of proof and procedural elements of the standard of proof between the requirement is not uniform , but can be adjusted .

  19. 以诉讼主张作为证明对象会促使证明责任更明晰,证明标准更具体,收集证据更有针对性,证明对象的范围更广泛。

    Litigation allegation as object of proof will lead to the burden of proof is more explicit and standard of proof is more specific , and it makes more targeted to collect evidence and the scope of object of proof is wider .

  20. 诚然与证据有关的内容很多,包括证明对象、证据的审查判断、证明标准、证明责任、证据规则等等。

    It is true that there are many things related to the evidence , including the proof of the object , the examine and judge to the evidence , the standard of proof , burden of proof , the rules of evidence and so on .

  21. 从语义和逻辑上分析,证据本身不能成为证明对象,以此为根据通过对侦查人员出庭行为的分析,可以发现侦查人员出庭并不存在作证行为,其行为属于辅助公诉性质。

    Evidences could not be object to testify according to semantical and logical meaning , based on which with analyzing the appearance in court , a conclusion may be drew that the investigation personnel has not boren testimony in court but asisted with public prosecution .

  22. 民事诉讼证明对象是诉讼证明理论中的基础性论题,是诉讼证明活动的最初环节,是诉讼活动的出发点和落脚点,研究证明对象具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    The object of proof in civil procedure is the foundational thesis of proof theory . It is the initial link of proof , is the starting and ending point of litigation activities . Thus the research on object of proof has very important theoretical and practical significance .

  23. 第二章案件事实:证据证明的对象。

    Chapter II : Case Facts : the Proving Object .

  24. 我们只需承认,有空间、有植物、有动物等等即行,几何学、植物学、动物学等,并没有义务去证明这些对象所以存在的必然性。

    We are expected to admit that space exists , that there are plants , animals , etc. , nor is it the business of geometry , botany , etc. , to demonstrate that the objects in question necessarily are .

  25. 另一个动机是组合从咨询工作中学到的课程和建立大型的Web应用。这些证明了单对象继承所带来的实际限制。

    Another motivation was to incorporate the lessons learned from consulting jobs and building large Web applications , which demonstrated the practical limits of simple object inheritance .

  26. 通过对应用效果的分析,进一步证明了元对象协议的优势,其完全满足了开发CERP应用软件系统的需要,具有很高的实用性和良好的应用前景。

    Through the analysis about application effect , it further proves the advantages of Meta Object Protocol . Meta Object Protocol satisfies the CERP application software development requirements completely , and has high practicality and good application prospect .

  27. 以往的研究已经证明了物理对象与人类情感之间的联系。

    Past studies have shown a link between physical objects and our emotions .

  28. 实践证明运用面向对象的分析和设计方法开发信息系统,一方面可以提高开发效率,使软件开发人员在开发过程的不同阶段无须转换概念和表示符号;

    It has been proved that developing management information system by object-oriented analysis and object-oriented design can enhance develop-efficiency .

  29. 各项目检测结果证明,验证对象选择的清洁剂是正确的,采用的清洁方法和程序是有效的。

    As demonstrated that the detergent is adaptable and the cleaning method and procedure is effective through the analysis result .

  30. 因此,我们通过关注康德之后的辩证法和现象学在这一根基处对这种思维方式超越,证明了从对象性思维方式到实践性思维方式转变的内在必然性。

    Consequently through paying attention to this overstep , the inner necessity changed from thinking mode of objectivity to thinking mode of practicality is proven .