
miàn jī lǜ
  • area rule
面积律[miàn jī lǜ]
  1. 跨音速面积律Karman公式及旋转体相似律的适应性

    The application of Karman formula about transonic area rule and transonic similarity to rotational body

  2. 面积律在风扇子午流道修型中的应用

    The application of area rule in the improvement design of meridian shape

  3. 升力物体跨音速面积律

    Transonic area rule about lifting configurations

  4. 计算表明,前掠翼比后掠翼更接近最佳载荷分布,应用跨超音速面积律计算有鸭翼的前掠翼组合体,其轴向截面分布较易接近最佳当量分布,因而零升波阻显著减小。

    According to the area rule computation , the area distribution of FSW is easier to approach the optimum form than that of ASW . The configuration with FSW thus leads to an apparent reduction of the wave drag .

  5. 本文在前文[5]的基础上,论述了翼身组合体考虑到面积律要求和压力场要求时翼根区综合修形的原理与方法。

    On the basis of the author 's previous work , this paper deals with the principles and methods for the combined shaping of the wing root regions of a wing-body combination , in accordance with the requirements of area rule and shockless pressure field .

  6. 多年平均年降水量的面积分布律

    The Area Distribution Law of the Mean years Annual Precipitation

  7. 分形几何中的周长&面积比律

    Perimeter-Area Rate Law In Fractal Geometry

  8. 提出了地质灾害规模参数的幂律相依性,这在国内研究处于空白状态,即使是国外的研究也仅限于对体积与面积幂律相依性的讨论。

    Power law dependency of scale parameter of geological disasters was put forward , which was blank in the research at home and limited to power law dependency discussion on volume and area on abroad .

  9. 本文在揭示体积与面积幂律相依性的基础上,进一步提出面积与长、宽等参数之间的幂律相依性,并给出了公式。

    This paper further put forward power law dependency between the parameters of area , length and width on the basis of revealing the power law dependency of volume and area , and put forward the formula .

  10. 对于表面颗粒度和高度分布律及面积分布律不能直接用数据统计表述的指标,我们可以很清楚的在它们所体现的图像上得到明确的区分。

    For particle size and height of the surface and area of distribution law distribution law can not be directly expressed with statistical indicators , we can clearly reflected in the images they get a clear distinction .