
  • 网络dough piece
  1. 500ml的水,煮沸,加入面块、调味料,3分钟后即可食用!

    Add noodle block and sachet contents to 500ml boiling water . Cook for 3 minutes and enjoy !

  2. 煮的时候,先加入面块和蔬菜包,冲入500ml开水,然后煮4分钟。

    To prepare , add noodle block and vegetable sachet to 500ml boiling water and cook for 4 minutes .

  3. 面块切片在三维地震资料解释中的应用

    Application of Surface Slice in 3D Seismic Data Interpretation

  4. 把面粉中的面块筛出来、把小麦的壳筛掉。

    Sift the lumps from the flour , the wheat from the chaff .

  5. 不同参考面块体应变计算公式的对比分析

    The comparative analysis of block strain calculation formulas based on different reference surfaces

  6. 提高炮采工作面块碳率的微差爆破技术及安全措施

    Millisecond blasting technology used to raise lump coal ratio of coal face and safety measures

  7. 介绍了将面块加工成面管的输面与面管成形机构的结构及其工作原理;

    The characteristic of the machine is injecting the stuffing during the process of making dumpling .

  8. 综合测井、地质、地震资料,利用相干体技术,面块切片技术,三维立体显示技术进行地震资料构造精细刻画。

    Comprehend the information of logging , geology , seismic , use the technology of Coherence , lump slice , stereoscopic display to make the fine structure characterization of seismic data .

  9. 利用三维地震资料解释技术,如垂直时间剖面水平切片及面块切片,根据其不同特征结合钻探资料,可以比较直观地判断岩浆侵入体的大小及范围。

    By the use of 3D seismic data interpretation techniques , such as vertical time section time slice and surface slice . According to their different characteristics and drilling data , may estimate size and scope of igneous intrusion more intuitively .

  10. 它是一种干面块,你只需要在这已经熟了的面块上冲上开水,加上调味包和酱包,等上两到三分钟,就可以开吃了。

    It is a dried noodle block ; all you need to do is to pour hot water over the par-cooked noodles , add the flavoring powder and some seasoning oil , wait for 2-3 minutes , and then it is ready .

  11. 在块体理论基础上,本文介绍了用Monte-Carlo模拟研究岩体开挖面上块体随机分布及锚固问题的方法。

    Based on the block theory and Monte-Carlo simulation technology , this paper presents a method for researching block random distribution and anchor design for joint rock excavation .

  12. 基于面分块的三维人脸模型的边界表示方法

    A Boundary Representing Method of 3D Facial Model Based on Surface Subdivision

  13. 平行平板通道中壁面凸出块热源的强迫对流换热

    Forced convection on WALL-PROTRUDED heat block in parallel flat plates

  14. 50kg/m钢轨踏面掉块缺陷分析

    Analysis on Swap Block on Tread of 50 kg / m Rail

  15. 基于面分块的人脸造型技术研究

    Research on Human Face Modeling Based on Face Subdivision

  16. 基于面分块的三维人脸特征提取及自动定位

    Feature Extraction and Automatic Orientation of 3D Facial Model Based on Surface Subdivision

  17. 节理岩体开挖面上块体随机分布及锚固方式研究

    A Study on Block Random Distribution and Anchor Design for Joint Rock Excavation

  18. 基于坐标投影图解的结构面和块体的计算机描述及其应用

    Computer description of structural planes and blocks based on Coordination projection diagram and its application

  19. 矢量分析计算法在采场覆岩面接触块体结构中的应用研究

    Application of Vector Analysis on the Structure of Face-contacted Blocks in Overlying Strata Above a Longwall Face

  20. 大同采场覆岩面接触块体可动性判定研究

    The Study on the Movability of the Face-contacted Blocks in Overlying Strata Above the Longwall Face in Datong

  21. 分别在不同滑移速度、压力、温度下针对轮胎胎面胶块与冰面进行了摩擦试验,并对试验结果进行了模型拟合和分析。

    A series of friction tests were carried out at different slip velocity , vertical pressure , and temperature , and the test data were fitted and analyzed using a simulation model .

  22. 介绍了新型刨煤机的主要性能和结构特点以及使用条件,结合晋城矿区煤层赋存条件,论证了刨煤机在晋城矿区使用能大幅度地提高综采工作面煤炭块率。

    Based on an example from Datong Coalmines Group , the paper analyses possibility and usage of heavy plow under the conditions of thin seam coal face with Two Hard Roofs and gives out some proposals .

  23. 每个组织块垂直软骨面分成2块,随机用于制作石蜡切片和进行RT-PCR检测。

    Each was vertically subdivided into two , randomly used for making paraffin sections and for RT-PCR .

  24. 在COBRA天线方面:重新阐述了反射面的设计公式,该反射面是几块不同焦距抛物反射面的共焦共轴组合;

    The design of the reflector is re-expatiated , which is composed of several equivalent parts of parabolic reflector with the same axis and focus .

  25. 考虑了岩体结构面、岩块单轴抗压强度、应力状态的影响,引入了Hoek-Brown岩体经验强度准则,利用极限平衡原理,推导了嵌岩桩桩端阻力的计算公式;

    On the basis of Hoek-Brown strength criterion and the limit equilibrium method , a method calculating the tip resistance of socketed piles is put forward .

  26. 1.切割:在南瓜的顶/底端,用小刀将瓜面切除一块,以便伸手进去掏空瓜瓤。切面尽量平整。

    Steps : 1.Cut a large hole around the top of the pumpkin .

  27. 外置的机械密封应该采用一块整体结晶碳化硅旋转密封面和一块整体结晶碳化硅固定密封面。

    The outer mechanical seal shall be constructed with a solid block silicon carbide rotating seal face and a solid block silicon carbide stationary seal face .

  28. 通过ZFQ-2500-16/24型轻型放顶煤支架在北宋煤矿2119工作面不规则块段进行回采的具体实践,产生很好的经济效益和社会效益。

    ZFQ-2500-16-24 type light support is used in Beisong Colliery , 2119 face for irregular section stoping , this concrete practice produces good economic benefits and social benefits .

  29. 针对节理岩体的力学特性,将岩体离散为块体–结构面组成的块体系统,假定块体为刚体;

    The block elements were assumed to be rigid , stresses only existed in structural planes , and all discrete block elements were joined by these structural planes .

  30. 工件以圆柱面在V形块上定位时对刀尺寸的确定

    On the Fixation of the Position of Cutting Tools in Locating the Cylinder 's Cross - section of a Work on a V-shaped Work-holder