
  • 网络Featured Database;Featured Library
  1. 应用ASP技术实现图书情报特色数据库Web检索系统

    Developing Web Retrieval System of Library Database Using ASP

  2. 基于UML的图书馆自建特色数据库的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of the Self-building Characterized Library Database based on UML

  3. 基于PHP的党校图书馆特色数据库系统开发

    Development of Database System with the Characteristics of Party School Library Based on PHP Technology

  4. CALIS专题特色数据库中心门户系统建设分析

    Analysis on the Construction of CALIS Special Subject Database Portal System

  5. CALIS专题特色数据库建设中的元数据研究

    Study on the Metadata in the Construction of CALIS Special Subject Databases

  6. 利用TRS系统建设高校图书馆特色数据库

    Using TRS to construct special database in the university library

  7. 《丹顶鹤特色数据库》建设与TPI技术的应用

    Construction of " Single-headed Crane Database " and Application of TPI Technology

  8. CALIS专题特色数据库建设实践研究

    Practical studies on the establishment of CALIS special database

  9. CALIS特色数据库是CALIS十五建设的子项目之一,它是支持高校建设的重要资源。

    CALIS featured database is the important resource for the development of higher education .

  10. 本文论述了苏州大学图书馆建立吴文化特色数据库的必要性、原则性,以及数据库需要实现的要求,并提出了采用ASP基于Web动态信息发布的方法。

    The paper discusses the necessity , principle and request of constructing Wu culture characteristic database for the library , and proposes a method on dynamic information publishing with ASP based on Web .

  11. 图书馆建设特色数据库在选题的同时,就需考虑采用何种Web发布技术。在比较分析了几种Web数据库信息发布技术后,提出一种采用ASP技术实现Web动态信息发布的方法,并给出了实例

    This paper introduces the construction of information resources database Based on analysing the several kinds of web publishing technology , a method on dynamic information publishing with ASP is put forward An Application example is presented

  12. CALIS高校专题特色数据库建设及实践&以潮汕文献数据库为例

    University Libraries Characteristic Special Subject Database Construction and Practice in CALIS Projects & Testing for the construction of " Chaoshan Documentation Database "

  13. 同时介绍了天津大学图书馆利用清华同方TPI系统自建的特色数据库的进展情况。

    At the same time , the authors introduce the progress of Tianjin University Library using " Tsinghua Tongfang Profession Information "( TPI ) system .

  14. 结合上海立信会计学院特色数据库管理平台的选择实践,比较了TPI,CDI,CGRS三个数据库平台的优缺点。

    Connecting with the selection practice of characteristic database system platforms in Shanghai Lixin Accounting College , this paper compares the advantages and disadvantages of TPI , CDI and CGRS .

  15. 文章阐述了大学城图书馆文献资源的建设应与CALIS有机结合,通过协调采购、联机合作编目、馆际互借、文献传递、参与特色数据库的建设等方式走整体化建设的发展道路。

    The article expounds that the construction of the information resources of libraries in university towns should be closely connected with CALIS , through the channels of collaborating purchasing , online cataloging , interlibrary loans , document deliveries , etc.

  16. 本文讨论了我国高校图书馆特色数据库建设的意义、特色数据库建设中应注意的几个问题,并从实践出发,作者对怎样利用TRS系统建设特色数据库进行了深入的探索和思考。

    This paper discusses the significance of constructing the characteristic database in the university library , and adverts some problems in the construction . From the practice , the author made a whole and study for how to use TRS to construct special subject database .

  17. 摘要论文探讨了jalis二期特色数据库子项目《中外药品质量标准数据库》的建设背景与意义、数据库的内容与结构、数据库的元数据分析及数据库平台选择等相关问题。

    This paper discusses the construction background and significance of Chinese and foreign drug quality standard database , which is the sub-project of JALIS characteristic databases in second stage , as long as its content and structure , metadata analysis , platform choice and so on .

  18. 特色数据库建设和信息超载的悖论研究及解决方案

    On Paradox of Establishment of Characteristic Database & Information Overload Solutions

  19. 地质图书馆的专题特色数据库建设

    The construction prospective of distinctive subject database in national geological library

  20. 我馆建设海洋水产特色数据库的思考

    The Building of Marine and Aquiculture Special Database of Our Library

  21. 知识管理与张謇研究特色数据库建设

    Knowledge Management and Construction of Characteristic Database about ZHANG Jian Studying

  22. 网络环境下医院图书馆特色数据库建设探讨

    On the Featured Database Construction for Hospital Library in Network Environment

  23. 图书馆特色数据库建设探析

    Probe into the Construction of Characteristic Database of the Library

  24. 红色江西特色数据库的建设

    Discussion on Characteristic Database Construction of " Red Jiangxi "

  25. 数字图书馆中特色数据库的建设

    The Construction of the Characteristic Database in the Digital Library

  26. 近十年特色数据库研究论文的统计与分析

    Statistics and Analysis of Theses of Special Databases Research in Recent Decade

  27. 轴承专业特色数据库建设得失谈

    Discussion about the construction of special database for bearing sector

  28. 论党校图书馆特色数据库的建设

    On the Construction of Characteristic Database of Party School library

  29. 高校图书馆特色数据库建设的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice on Constructing University Library 's Characteristic Database

  30. 共建共享地区特色数据库的思考与对策

    Reflections and Measures on Joint Construction and Share of Regional Characteristic Database