
  • 网络special fiber
  1. 基于ADAMS的特种纤维梳理机剥取装置运动学和动力学仿真

    Kinematics and dynamics simulation of stripping institution of special fiber carding machine based on ADAMS

  2. 公司经营特种纤维类产品,主要以高强力纤维产品为主。

    Company to operate special fiber products , mainly in high-strength fiber products .

  3. 芳纶1313(以下简称PMIA)作为一种特种纤维,以其优异的耐高温性能,在许多行业中都有着非常广阔的发展前景。

    The meta-aromatic fiber ( hereinafter PMIA ) has great prospect in many industries as a new kind of high performance fibers .

  4. 间苯二甲酸(IPA)是一种极具发展前景的中间体原料,主要用于生产聚酯、涂料、特种纤维、热熔粘合剂、印刷油墨、聚酯纤维染色改性剂和树脂增塑剂等。

    M-phthalic acid ( IPA ) is an intermediate raw material with great foreground , it can be used to produce raw material of polyester , dope , special type fibre , thermographic adhesive agent , printing ink , polyester fibre dyeing modifying agent and resin plasticity agent .

  5. 在相变材料市场处于领先地位的美国Outlast技术公司与德国特种纤维制造商Kelheim纤维公司采用Outlast技术共同研制了第一个拥有专利权的粘胶纤维。

    Outlast Technologies , Inc. , Boulder , CO / USA , the market leader in phase change materials ( PCM ), and specialty fiber manufacturer Kelheim Fibres GmbH , Kelheim / Germany developed the first patented viscose fiber with Outlast technology .

  6. 几种特种纤维的热水老化及性能研究

    A study of hot-water aging and properties for some special fibers

  7. 特种纤维开发与利用的研究进展

    The Research Process of the Development and Utilization of Special Dietary Fiber

  8. 耐高温阻燃纤维是近年来高性能纤维材料中发展最为迅速的一类特种纤维材料。

    Thermo-resistant and flame-retardant fibers have got most rapidly development recently in high-property fibers .

  9. 特种纤维制品与单兵防护装备

    Specialty Fiber Products & Individual Soldier Protective Equipment

  10. 赋予纸特殊功能性的特种纤维

    Special Fibers for the Functional Papers

  11. 顶置布袋过滤器为抗静电特种纤维,操作安全。

    The bag filter at top is made from anti-static special fiber . The operation is safe .

  12. 同时,熔纺腈纶、弹性纤维以及高科技特种纤维也将得到一定的发展。

    Meanwhile , melt-spun PAN fiber , elastic fiber and liigh technical fibers will fairly be developed .

  13. 碳纤维是一种高强、高模、耐高温特种纤维。

    Carbon fiber is a specialty fiber with high strength , high modulus and high temperature resistant properties .

  14. 本文介绍了无机纤维、有机合成纤维和金属纤维等特种纤维的特性。

    This article introduces the properties of some special fibers such as inorganic fiber , organic fiber and metal fiber etc.

  15. 特种纤维的发展对纤维生产商来说基本上是一种自然和条件反射式的行为。

    Specialty development for a fiber producer is a task that is often addressed in a chaotic and knee-jerk manner .

  16. 中空纤维膜作为一种特种纤维,近年来发展迅猛,其应用已渗透到各个领域。

    As one kind of special fibres , the hollow fibre membrane had been developing very fast and applied to many fields .

  17. 我们说它特种纤维,一是因为它强度高、模量大,被用于造币、军事等特殊领域;

    First , it has high strength and high modulus which can be used in the areas of the military and currency printing .

  18. 高性能纤维为力学性能同时具有18cN/dtex的强度、初始模量为441cN/dtex的特种纤维。

    High performance fibre is the special fibre that simultaneously has the mechanical performance of 18 cN dtex strength and 450 cN dtex initial modulus .

  19. 对目前已有的纳米技术纤维,包括抗紫外型、抗菌除臭型、远红外线型、阻燃型和特种纤维的应用进展作了详细的介绍;

    The available nano technical fibers nowadays include ultraviolet protection , bacterial and odor resistance , far infrared ray type , fire proof and special type .

  20. 对防电磁波辐射纤维的发展现状、电磁波屏蔽机理、电磁波吸收剂以及特种纤维的工艺设计进行了详细的探讨。

    In this paper , the current situation , shielding mechanism , absorber material of electromagnetic shielding fiber and the technological design of this high-performance fibers are discussed in detail .

  21. 炭纤维是一种高强、高模、耐高温特种纤维,以其优异的综合性能成为当今世界材料学研究的重点。

    Carbon fiber is a kind of special fiber which is characterized by a very good combination of overall properties with high strength , high modulus and high temperature resistance properties .

  22. 公司是中国特种纤维复合材料的技术装备研发中心,也是中国国防工业最大的特种纤维复合材料配套研制基地,引领着中国特种纤维复合材料的技术发展方向。

    It is now the technology and equipment research center for China 's specialty fiber composites and the largest developing base for such materials in support of China 's defense industry .

  23. 用特种聚丙烯腈纤维(PANF)与粘胶纤维(VF)混纺制备针刺非织造布,经预氧化、炭化,活化制备聚丙烯腈基活性碳纤维非织造布的生产工艺、产品性能及应用。

    In this paper , polyacrylonitrile fiber ( PANF ) blended with viscose ( VF ) is used to produce needled nonwovens . The nonwovens was preoxidized , carbonized and activated to get PAN - ACF nonwoven fabrics . Its property was investigated .

  24. 特种动物纤维在毛纺新产品开发中的应用

    Application of special kinds of animal fibers to wool fabric

  25. 特种功能纤维材料在表面处理工程中的应用

    Application of Special Functional Fibre Materials in Surface Treatment Engineering

  26. 特种合成纤维的发展趋势与新进展

    The trend and new development of high performance synthetic fibers

  27. 特种动物纤维是指除绵羊毛以外的其他动物纤维。

    Special animal fiber is animal fiber other than wool .

  28. 新型特种保健纤维正不断推出。

    New special types of health - protecting fibres are being developed continuously .

  29. 特种塑料纤维成型用螺杆挤出机的特性分析

    Characteristic Analysis of Screw Extruder for Spinning Process of High Performance Engineering Plastics

  30. 特种动物纤维上色素的成因及其防治

    The Cause and Prevention of Pigmentation on Animal Fibers