
  • 网络SWAT;swat team;sdu
  1. 五年市政局纪念厅特警队训练出来的

    That 's 5 years SWAT with monument point M.C.U.

  2. 特警队在法院布防后,你是如何混进去的?

    How 'd you get into the courthouse after SWAT swept and secured it ?

  3. 高司令剧中的靴子是Bates制作的,该公司的制鞋的风格受到特警队的欢迎。

    Gosling 's pair are made by Bates , a company that makes the kind of tactical stylesfavored by SWAT teams .

  4. 伦敦——当一支特警队出现在帕维尔·杜罗夫(PavelDurov)位于圣彼得堡的住所前时,他开始考虑自己在俄罗斯的前途。

    LONDON - When a SWAT team appeared at Pavel Durov 's door in St. Petersburg , he started thinking about his future in Russia .

  5. 不想把特警队招来

    I don 't want to set off a SWAT invasion .

  6. 你还差点被特警队射中。

    And you almost took a bullet from s.w.a.t.in the process .

  7. 他们就会派特警队强制你服从监禁

    they 're sending a swat team to forcibly subdue you .

  8. 这把配给了特警队。

    And that one is issued to swat .

  9. 和特警队丢枪的是一个地方。

    That 's the same part of town where the Swat cop lost his gun .

  10. 特警队的指挥官在哪里?

    Where 's the ESU sergeant ?

  11. 我们抓住了你,但特警队没来得及抓住治安维持者。

    We got you , but the vigilante got away before E.S.U. could move on him .

  12. 受国际保护人员在港出席各项盛事的期间,特警队也肩负重要任务。

    It was also heavily committed during the visits by various internationally protected persons attending major events .

  13. 我为被疯子劫持的人哭泣,马尼拉反恐特警队看来不称职啊。

    I cried for those innocent people with a lunatic holding them , and the Manila SWAT team seemed incompetent .

  14. 另外,该州一名正在值勤的特警队警官也牵涉进这一拍摄事件中,目前有关部门正在对他进行单独调查。

    A separate investigation on the state 's police SWAT team officer was involved in the film , while he was on duty .

  15. 在经过特警队近三小时的搜索后,综合医疗中心又恢复了正常工作。

    After a three-hour sweep of the facility , the SWAT team gave the all-clear and the medical center returned to normal operations .

  16. 杰夫俊的特警队警官和另外三名警官将警局以及阅读了他们的私人消息的警局首长告上了法庭。

    The case from Ontario , California , stemmed from a lawsuit by police department SWAT team Sergeant Jeff Quon and three others who sued the department and the police chief who read the text messages .