
tè jiě
  • Special solution;particular solution;particular integral
特解[tè jiě]
  1. 特解边界元法解线性与非线性热传导问题

    Particular Solution Boundary Element Method for Linear and Nonlinear Heat Conduction Problems

  2. 利用逆微分算子及其线性性质,给出了求n阶常系数线性一般非齐次项微分方程特解公式。

    In this paper , using inverse differential operator and its linear property , we present the particular solution of n-th order general inhomogeneous linear ordinary differential equation with constant coefficient .

  3. PC简支梁铁路桥墩身动力响应的特解边界元分析

    Dynamic Response Analysis of Railway Bridge Pier of Simply Supported PC Beam with Particular Solution Boundary Element Method

  4. SU(2)规范场的弦型特解

    The string particular solutions of Su ( 2 ) gauge field

  5. 为研究n阶常系数非齐次线性常微分方程解的问题,求证了n阶常系数非齐次线性常微分方程的通解和特解的积分表达式。

    To obtain the general solution and their special solutions in integration form , the way to get the n order non-homogeneous linear ordinary equation with constant coefficients was studied .

  6. 用一阶微分方程组求Riccati方程的特解一类一阶非线性微分方程的求解方法

    Particular Solution for a Class Riccati Equation on System of Differential Equations of First Order

  7. 利用上三角Toeplitz矩阵求常系数微分方程的特解

    The solution of ordinary differential equation with constant coefficients using up-triangular Toeplitz matrix

  8. Riccati方程的特解

    Special Solution of the Riccati Equation

  9. 利用Green函数来求特解形式,把原来的二阶微分方程简化成一次积分形式,再由复化梯形公式求积法进行数值求解。

    First we apply Green 's functions in special solution , simplifying the second order problems to the first order integral formulation , then we deal with its numerical solution by the compound trapezoidal formula .

  10. SU(2)规范场的弦型特解两种DeSitter引力的引力规范场方程

    THE STRING PARTICULAR SOLUTIONS OF SU ( 2 ) GAUGE FIELD Two Types of Gravitational Gauge Field Equations of de Sitter Gravity

  11. 求解一次不定方程的Petri网方法(Ⅱ)&用带加权抑止弧的Petri网求方程的特解

    Use of Petri Nets for Solving Indeterminate Equations of the First Degree (ⅱ) & To find a Particular Solution of the Equation Using Petri Nets with Weighted Forbidden Arcs

  12. 描述弹性细杆平衡状态的Kirchhoff方程存在与杆的直线平衡状态相对应的特解。

    The Kirchhoff equation in statics of an elastic thin rod has a special solution , corresponding to the straight equilibrium .

  13. 利用相对论性自治Birkhoff系统的第一积分求非等时变分方程的特解

    Solving nonsimultaneous variational equations of relativistic autonomous birkhoff systems by using its first integral

  14. 在此基础上,为了避免使用无限区域上的Green公式(不成立),通过构造紧支集上的无穷可微函数,获得满足非齐次控制微分方程的特解的重要结果。

    Based on this , to avoid using the Green ′ s formula on infinite domain , an infinitely differentiable function with compact subset is constructed and some important results to a especial solution of the inhomogeneous field equation are obtained .

  15. 就非齐次项为βn与n的多项式Pl(n)乘积的常系数线性非齐次递推关系,给出了求特解的一般方法。

    This paper presents a general method meant to be used to get a special solution of the constant coefficient linear nonhomogeneous recursive relation , where the nonhomogeneous term is a polynomial about n multiply indicial function about n .

  16. 应用Bessel函数、广义Bessel方程及其解、Hankel函数,给出了Riccati方程特解的一种证明方法。

    This paper give a proof about the special solution of the Riccati equation by using the Bessel function , the generalized Bessel equation and the Hankel function .

  17. 文[1]中给出了常系数非齐线性微分方程当f具有特殊形状的两类特解形式,本文根据其推导思想给出了两类欧拉方程的特解表达式。

    In paper [ 1 ] author gave the expression of special solution for constant coefficient nonhomogeneous linear equation while the form of f is special . In this paper , we by this way give the expression of special solution for two kinds of Euler equation .

  18. 探讨了m阶Bessel方程当m为零或正整数时的特解即第一类Bessel函数的形式及其函数值的近似计算问题,并以多项式逼近和FORTRAN语言算法予以解决。

    Discusses the particular solution of m-Bessel equation when m is zero or positive integer which is the primal Bessel function , and solve the approximation of m Bessel function with polynomial forms and FORTRAN algorithm .

  19. 高斯光速是赫姆霍兹方程在缓变振幅近似(SVA)下的一个特解,能很好地描述激光光束的性质。

    Gaussian beam is a special solution of the Helmholtz equation when slow vibration approximation is shown . It can describe the characteristic of leser beam .

  20. 因为Jost解是逆散射变换过程中所出现的一种特解,所以该法实际上并未完全摆脱对逆散射变换的依赖。

    The method can 't completely get rid of the dependence to the IST because that the squared Jost appear as the particular solution in the process of the IST .

  21. 提出了利用无穷级数展开的方法,将波数从Helmholtz边界积分方程的特解中分离出来,使随波数变化的系统矩阵变为波数的矩阵级数形式,同时证明了级数截断时的收敛性。

    The method using series expansion is presented , and the wavenumber is separated from fundamental solution of Helmholtz boundary element equation , then the system matrices dependent of wavenumber are the matrices series associated with wavenumber , and the astringency of the method is proved .

  22. 文章采用Reissner型板基本解来构建一系列特解,再通过边界点法确定边界元方程系数矩阵的全部元素。

    In this paper , a series of particular solutions are formed by utilizing correspondent Reissner ′ s plate fundamental solutions . Thus all elements in the coefficient matrix of boundary element equations for plates to be solved will be determined by boundary point method .

  23. 结构声辐射分析的全特解场边界元方法

    All Particular Solution Boundary Element Method Analyzing Sound Radiation by Structure

  24. 非齐次线性递归方程的特解公式

    A Formula for a Special Solution to Nonhomogeneous Linear Recurrence Equations

  25. 微分方程两种不同形式特解结果的比较分析

    The Comparison Between Two Patterns of Particular Solution of Differential Equation

  26. 求一类二阶非齐次欧拉方程的特解

    Special Solutions to A Kind of Second Order Non-homogeneous Euler Equations

  27. 空间问题全特解场的域外源点布置初探

    Arranging externai source points for all particular solutions of space problem

  28. 关于几个缺项微分方程特解最简形式的探讨

    Studies On The Simplest Formal In Particularly Solving Lacunary Differential Eguation

  29. 两类欧拉方程的特解表达式

    The Expression of Special Solution for Two Kinds of Euler Equation

  30. 结构动力分析的特解边界元法研究

    Study on Particular Solution Boundary Element Method for Dynamic Analysis