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  • autism
  1. 智力低下和孤独症男童脆性X基因突变的研究

    Study of fragile X mutation in mental retardation and autism in males

  2. 儿童孤独症(CA)是一种难治性疾病。

    Childhood autism ( CA ) is a kind of refractoriness disease .

  3. “网络孤独症”指的是为了能对任何网上的新进展做出及时反应而经常上网,无论有多么无关紧要。

    Onlineness refers to the fact of maintaining a constant online presence , in order to be able to instantly react to any new internet developments , no matter how insignificant1 .

  4. 这些数据库帮助科学家们将罕见的DNA改变和从孤独症,精神分裂症到肾病众多情况联系起来。

    The databases help scientists link rare DNA changes to conditions ranging from autism and schizophrenia to kidney disease .

  5. MR病因分类为:1.生物医学因素:围产因素、遗传因素、脑病、脑发育畸形、原发性癫痫、孤独症。

    The pathogeny distribution : 1 . bio-medical factors : perinatology , heredity , cerebral disease , deformed brain , epilepsy , autism factors .

  6. 孤独症儿童脑内多巴胺转运体SPECT显像研究

    Research on Dopamine Transporter in Brain of Autistic Children by SPECT

  7. 中国人群儿童孤独症围生期危险因素的Meta分析

    Meta-Analysis on the Perinatal Risk Factors of Childhood Autism in Chinese People

  8. 孤独症核心家系5-HT和APOE基因的关联研究

    Association study of 5-HT gene and APOE gene in Chinese autistic children

  9. BDNF基因二核苷酸多态性与儿童孤独症的关联研究

    Study on association between dinucleotide repeat polymorphism of BDNF gene and autism in children

  10. 目的探讨孤独症与5-HT基因和APOE基因之间的关系。

    Objectives : To explore the relation between autism and 5-HT gene and APOE gene .

  11. 提示孤独症出现罕见的脆性位点可能与智力低下有关。认为孤独症有较高的脆性位点检出率(38%),但未能证实孤独症与脆性X综合征间的关系。

    It is suggested that there may be no significant relationship between autism and the fragile X syndrome though the children with autism have more frequency of fragile sites .

  12. 从更广义的角度看,这次重修的“我是谁”陈列室展示了对记忆方面的深入研究,以及对孤独症、DNA、遗传学、人脑和腿部的研究。

    More broadly , the redesigned Who Am I ? gallery features in-depth examinations of memory , autism , DNA , genetics , the human brain and the technology that underpins it all .

  13. 在小狗Clive的帮助下,14岁男生Murray的孤独症正慢慢好转。

    With the help of Clive , Murray , a 14-year-old boy , his condition gets better .

  14. 方法应用高分辨G带和人工细菌染色体(bacterialartificialchromosome,BAC)荧光原位杂交(flourescenceinsituhybridization,FISH)分析68例中国儿童孤独症患者的染色体改变。

    Methods Chromosome aberrations in 68 cases of infantile autism were analyzed by high-resolution G-banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) with bacterial artificial chromosome ( BAC ) clones .

  15. 针刺引起孤独症语言障碍儿童事件相关电位P3潜伏期和波幅的变化

    Acupuncture induced changes of the event related potential P3 latency and wave amplitude in autistic children with language disorder

  16. 目的:探讨儿童孤独症患儿临床特征性行为表现,孤独症儿童行为量表(ABC量表)及儿童期孤独症评定量表(CARS量表)在孤独症诊断中的价值。

    Objective : To observe the clinical manifestations of children with autism and the value of Autism Behavior Checklist ( ABC ) and Childhood Autism Rating Scale ( CARS ) .

  17. 表明,孕期VPA暴露成功地模拟出了接近人类孤独症行为特征的动物模型。

    Therefore , prenatal VPA exposure can successfully establish the autism animal model in rats .

  18. 目的:通过观察和分析儿童孤独症患者体感诱发电位(SEP)的改变,探讨其在儿童孤独症诊断中的临床意义。

    Objective : To explore the clinical value of somatosensory evoked potential ( SEP ) in the diagnosis of infantile autism .

  19. 孤独症患儿家长SCL-90评定结果各项因子得分均高于正常对照组(P<0.05)。

    All the factors in SCL-90 scoring in parents of Autistic children were higher than that of normal parents ( P < 0.05 ) .

  20. 方法:使用家系调查表和Bolton孤独症广泛表型的操作定义手册,对75例孤独症先证者的家系进行筛查,对符合BAP定义的家属进行总结和分类。

    Method : Exploring the BAP in 75 autism family with Family Investigation Schedule and Bolton 's BAP operating definition .

  21. 高功能孤独症和Asperger综合征儿童的执行功能

    A Study of Executive Function in Children with High Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome

  22. Asperger综合征与儿童孤独症的鉴别

    Differentiation between Asperger syndrome and childhood autism

  23. 孤独症儿童发育异常评定高分组(DAS≥5分)与发育异常评定低分组(DAS<5)的ABC及CARS量表评定结果无显著性差异。

    There was no significant difference between DAS high anomalies group ( DAS ≥ 5 ) and DAS low anomalies group ( DAS < 5 ) by CARS and ABC evaluation .

  24. 大脑中DHA的低水平与记忆丧失、情绪波动有关,如阅读障碍、注意力缺陷、多动障碍和孤独症。

    Low levels of DHA in the brain have been linked with memory loss , mood swings and conditions such as dyslexia , attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism .

  25. 自闭症即孤独症(AutisticDisorder)是由多因素引起的以社会交往障碍、言语发育障碍、兴趣范围狭窄和刻板重复的行为方式为基本临床特征的一组复杂的行为综合征。

    Autistic Disorder is a group of complicated behavioral syndromes caused by many factors . The clinical features of it includes of social interaction disorder , language development disorder , narrow interests and stereotypy .

  26. 孤独症儿童主要照顾者家庭支持,朋友支持,其他支持及支持总分得分均低于正常儿童主要照顾者,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    And the differences were significant ( P0.05 ) . ( 3 ) Primary caregivers of children with autism got lower scores in family support , friend support , other support and total social support than those of normal children .

  27. 《神经部落:孤独症的遗产与神经多样性的未来》(Neurotribes:TheLegacyofAutismandtheFutureofNeurodiversity),史蒂夫·希尔伯曼(SteveSilberman)著(Avery/PenguinRandomHouse出版社,29.95美元)。希尔伯曼的著作广泛地审视了孤独症,文笔优美。

    NEUROTRIBES : The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity . By Steve ( Avery / Penguin Random House , $ 29.95 . ) Silberman 's is a broader view of autism , beautifully presented .

  28. 儿童孤独症临床特征与细胞免疫、HCMV感染、5-HTT-VNTR基因多态性的关联研究

    The Association Study of Clinical Manifestation and Cellular Immunity , HCMV Infection , 5-HTT-VNTR Polymorphism in Children with Autism

  29. 目的探讨儿童孤独症评定量表(CARS)、孤独症儿童行为检查表(ABC)、孤独症治疗评定量表(ATEC)三种孤独症评定量表的信度、效度及三者之间的相关性。

    Objective : To investigate the reliability , validity of the child autism rating scale ( CARS ), autism behavior checklist ( ABC ) and autism treatment evaluation checklist ( ATEC ) .

  30. 目的探讨孤独症和Asperger综合征(AS)儿童的心理推测能力。

    Objective To research the ability of inferences about mental states in Chinese children with autism and Asperger syndrome ( AS ) .