
gū guǎ lǎo rén
  • lonely old people;an elderly person of no family
孤寡老人[gū guǎ lǎo rén]
  1. 当地政府把他列为孤寡老人。

    The local government listed him as an elderly person of no family .

  2. 但对许多孤寡老人而言,电视无疑是一种极大的安慰。

    But it is undoubtedly a great comfort to many lonely elderly people .

  3. 每到星期二和星期四他都去看望一位孤寡老人。

    Every Tuesday and Friday he visits an elderly gentleman who lives alone .

  4. 又有一个小组每天看一次孤寡老人,跟他们聊聊天。

    Another group calls lonely old people once a day to chat a little .

  5. 另一些人则会选择慰问孤寡老人。

    Others provide company for senior citizens .

  6. 重大自然灾害的发生往往会对孤寡老人的身心造成极大的伤害。

    Serious natural calamity does great harm to the solitary elders both mentally and physically .

  7. 一些乡村的贫困或孤寡老人将收到礼物并且受到领导们的慰问。

    Some of the country 's poor or lonely elders will receive gifts and visits from leaders .

  8. 她心地善良,每天都来给这位孤寡老人服药。

    She was so kind that she came to administer the medicine to the lonely old sick woman .

  9. 应该说,无论是建立救助基金,还是提供居家养老服务,还是为孤寡老人进养老院打开绿色通道等等,国家和社会都已具备了较好的物质基础。

    The authorities should establish support foundations , provide a home-based care system or open nursing homes for these elderly parents .

  10. 灾后新建社区孤寡老人面临的问题及照顾机制你不明白你是孤家寡人?

    Issues and Special Care for the Senior without Family in Newly-Built Community after 5.12 Earthquake Do you understand that you are alone ?

  11. 你和你的同班同学正在讨论你们做什么能帮助到老年之家里的孤寡老人。

    You and your classmate are discussing what you can do to help the old and lonely people in the Old People 's Home .

  12. 在城镇,居民委员会的主要工作之一,就是帮助孤寡老人,维护老人的各项权益。

    In urban areas , one of the major tasks of Neighborhood Committees is to help widowed senior citizens and safeguard their rights and interests .

  13. 应急预案还包括及时将伤者送到医院救治,迅速开展辖区内孤寡老人的临时救助及危旧楼房巡查工作。

    Emergency plans were also issued to ensure those injured were hospitalized , aid was given to the elderly , and damaged buildings were inspected .

  14. 在广大城市和乡村,还有许多妇女义务抚养照顾孤寡老人和孤儿。

    In numerous cities and villages , many women voluntarily take it upon themselves to support and care for aged widows and widowers or adopt orphans .

  15. 弱势群体包括流浪儿、残疾人、下岗工人、贫困山区妇女和孤寡老人等。

    The disadvantaged group includes waifs , handicapped people , laid-off workers , women in poverty-stricken mountainous areas , lone old people and widowed old people .

  16. 对本市孤寡老人,本店实行半卖半送优惠服务。嗯,我们每天提供两次半日游的服务。

    Our store gives special service By selling goods at rock-Bottom prices to ' solitary aged and widowed people in this city . Well , we have two half-day tours daily .

  17. 世界上最逼真的人形机器人“纳丁”已经开始了她作为大学接待员的工作。科学家预计这种机器人最终将能承担保姆和护工的工作,为幼儿和孤寡老人提供服务。

    The world 's most human-like robot has begun work as a university receptionist as scientists predict the new technology will eventually provide childcare and offer friendship to lonely elderly people .

  18. 如今,湾头村被称为“三无”村:无孤寡老人,无留守儿童,无夫妻因外出打工两地分居而离婚。

    Today , Wantou is known as a " three no village " - no lonely elderly , no left behind children , and no divorces due to physical separation caused by migration .

  19. 譬如,在你的社区可能有个孤寡老人,你可以帮他们买买东西,或者只是花点时间听他们说说话。

    Well , maybe there is an elderly person in your street who 's got no family . Maybe you can help them with their shopping or simply spend some time with them , listening .

  20. 不过,让校长印象深刻的是这个孩子获得了“武汉市慈善人物”称号——他将自己的稿费都捐给了那些孤寡老人。

    However , what impresses the headmaster most is the student 's title of " Charitable Person of Wuhan , " which he received by sending money earned from his articles to poor elderly people .

  21. 差异性是人的基本特征,因而不同需求群体对救助内容、方式的要求也各不相同,身体状况差的人想要得到更多的医疗救助、孤寡老人希望能获得精神慰藉而不仅仅是物质救助等等。

    So the relief content and methods requirements of different groups are not identical . People in poor physical condition want to get more medical assistance ; the elderly want to gain spiritual comfort rather than just material assistance , and so on .