
  1. 论军队福利补贴

    ON TROOPS WELFARE AND ALLOWANCES The king of Mercenary Army

  2. 公司在那个工厂里供给免费饭食作为一种福利补贴。

    In that factory the company provides free meals as a fringe benefit .

  3. 国有企业福利补贴的漏洞和解决措施

    Welfare Subsidy Leak of State-owned Company and Solving Measures

  4. 发展中的得星论军队福利补贴


  5. 展望未来,即便刺激性减税和诸如福利补贴之类的转移将提供给人们更多资助,但除非美国就业市场状况明显改善,否则我们几乎看不到消费者能够从哪里拿出钱来维系支出的大幅增长。

    Looking ahead , even with further aid from stimulus tax breaks and transfers such as benefit payments , unless the US jobs market improves sharply it is hard to see where consumers will find the money to support significant increases in spending .

  6. 这里的月薪指个人总收入,包括工资、奖金、版税、福利和补贴。

    The monthly income refers to one 's total income , including salary , bonus , royalties , benefits and subsidies .

  7. 另外在考虑的因素之中排名前几位的还有福利,额外补贴。

    Also high on the list of considerations are benefits and perks .

  8. 复杂的是雇主为了招聘和留住员工而提供的越来越多的福利,额外补贴以及其他的激励。

    What complicates matters is the increasing use of bonuses , perks and incentives by employers to recruit and retain employees .

  9. 其他社会福利从住房补贴到学校免费就餐也随着收入的增加而减少,或者被扣除。

    Other social benefits , from housing subsidies to free school meals , were also reduced or withdrawn as one earned additional income .

  10. 一些公司采用与以往不同的福利措施和额外补贴来帮助员工解决工作压力。

    A number of companies use nontraditional benefits and perks to help employees cope with stress .

  11. 福利工资包括津补贴、各类保险、有薪假期等,作为二级薪酬。

    There are all kinds of allowance and insurance and vacation with salary in the welfare salary .

  12. 如果公司不能直接给你加薪,那就要求获得额外假期或者福利,比如车辆补贴。

    If the company cant give you a straight raise , suggest extra vacation days or perks like a car allowance .

  13. 无论如何,国有企业是否真的比福利支出、直接补贴、量化宽松或者负利率这些政策更低效还值得商榷。

    In any case , it is debatable whether state-run enterprises are less efficient than welfare spending , direct subsidies , QE or negative interest rates .

  14. 教师的经济待遇是指教师通过劳动依法应该享受的工资、福利、津贴、补贴、奖励等物质报酬。

    The economic treatment of teacher refers to material rewards sa the payment , welfare , subvention , subsidy and bounty etc , legally given for teachers labour .