
gū pì
  • solitary;unsocial;withdrawal;be unsociable and eccentric;unsociable and eccentric;odd
孤僻 [gū pì]
  • [be unsociable and eccentric] 性情孤独怪异,难与常人相处

  • 跟我并排走路,对他那么性情孤僻的人来说,显然也是苦事。--《装在套子里的人》

孤僻[gū pì]
  1. 大学生自杀的心理过程可分为三个阶段,究其原因,主要由抑郁心理、孤僻性格、自卑性格及一些精神病引起。

    The psychological course of college students committing suicide is divided into three stages . The reasons can be found in their depressive mentality , unsociable and eccentric personality , sense of inferiority and some other mental diseases .

  2. 患儿有家族异常史者占22.82%(以直系亲属中有孤僻、不合群者居首位),14.09%的患儿既往有神经系统疾病史;有1879%的患儿有寄养史,48.12%的患儿家庭教育方式不良。

    The children patients with abnormal family history accounted for 22.82 % ( firstly unsociable and eccentric characteristic in lineal relative ), 14.09 % with neurological complications , 18.79 % with fosterage history and 48.12 % with poor family education way .

  3. 他真是个矛盾人物,生性孤僻却又喜欢和陌生人闲聊。

    He was a paradox ─ a loner who loved to chat to strangers .

  4. 我这人非常孤僻,从不出门。

    I 'm very much a loner — I never go out .

  5. 她面色苍白、忧郁孤僻,并且沉默寡言。

    She was morose , pale , and reticent .

  6. 我的婚姻破裂了。这让我变得孤僻、不愿与人来往。

    My marriage has broken up . It has made me reclusive and unsociable

  7. 梅琴是个孤僻内向的孩子。

    Machen was a lonely , introverted child .

  8. 她病得越来越重,越来越孤僻。

    She had become increasingly ill and reclusive .

  9. 古德以前是个极为孤僻的人。

    Gould was an intensely private individual .

  10. 我一点也不喜欢他,觉得他冷漠、孤僻而且傲慢。

    I didn 't like him at all . I thought he was cool , aloof , and arrogant

  11. 我仍然是那个羞怯孤僻,不敢在商店买糖果的小女孩。

    I 'm still that shy , retiring little girl who was afraid to ask for sweets in the shop .

  12. 成年人中那些非巨星级的运动员,职业道德的低下可能体现了诸如间歇性爆发混乱症这样的愤怒问题,或者是任何环境孤僻症,ADHD社会准则意识削弱症等,或者这人本来就是个混蛋。

    In adults who aren 't world class athletes , poor sportsmanship might indicate an anger issue like intermittent explosive disorder , or any condition-autism , ADHD-that impairs your understanding of social norms . Or you could just be a jerk .

  13. 性情孤僻的Girodon害怕自己的事情被写到书里,但是他勇敢的捍卫了其妻写作自己人生故事的权利。

    The very private Mr Girodon dreaded being exposed in a book , but he courageously defends his wife 's right to write her own story .

  14. 母亲去世后,他变得羞怯和孤僻。

    After his mother 's death he became shy and withdrawn .

  15. 他们是些非常孤僻的人,几乎没有任何朋友。

    They were very private people , with almost no friends .

  16. 见鬼.-还很孤僻.对吧

    Damn . - Isolated too , don 't you think ?

  17. 菲的死让明变得孤僻,他心灰意冷,郁郁寡欢。

    He became insular , emotionally dead , passionless and morose .

  18. 他从妻子死后越来越孤僻了。

    He 's become increasingly withdrawn since his wife 's death .

  19. 她变得孤僻忧虑,几乎不和任何人说话。

    She became withdrawn and pensive , hardly speaking to anyone .

  20. 他是个非常孤僻的人&不与人交谈。

    He 's a very private person & keeps himself to himself .

  21. 孤僻,我就用谷歌查了查什么意思。

    Aloof . I googled aloof to see what does it mean .

  22. 孤僻的男子在感情前低下了他高傲的头!

    The dissocial man lowers his head with superiority to the love !

  23. 因为竞争导致学生生涯非常孤僻。

    The school had to be withdrawn from the competition .

  24. 她终于看向我,她的神情既平静又孤僻。

    She finally looked at me , her expression smooth and withdrawn .

  25. 也会变得性格孤僻,以前喜欢做的事情也没兴趣。

    They might become withdrawn or stop doing things they usually enjoy .

  26. 他是个孤僻的人,不愿和人交往。

    He was a solitary man who avoided the society of others .

  27. 他们可能变得孤僻甚至产生某些心理疾病。

    They may become more solitary and even suffer from certain mental illness .

  28. 她表现出孤僻与消沉的现象。

    She is showing signs of withdrawal and depression .

  29. 他总是性格孤僻,并选择过孤独的生活。

    He always had a lonely nature and chose to live to himself .

  30. 对他们来说你是个神秘又孤僻的人

    To them , you 're mysterious loner guy .