
  • 网络tristan;Tristram;Sir Tristan
  1. 特里斯坦和妻子已经分居两年了。

    Tristan had been separated from his wife for two years .

  2. 特里斯坦想成为CreakyHouse俱乐部的一员。

    Tristan wanted to be in The Creaky House Club .

  3. Q:去年这个时候的总决赛特里斯坦是你们最终取得成功的最要组成部分。

    Q : This time last year Tristan was a big part of your success or what ended up being your success in The Finals .

  4. 店主兼厨师长特里斯坦•梅森(TristanMason)听到消息后感到很高兴,也有一点困惑。

    Owner and head chef Tristan Mason is delighted , if slightly baffled by the news .

  5. 谷歌(Google)前雇员特里斯坦哈里斯(TristanHarris)发起的“时光莫虚度”(TimeWellSpent)运动正在吸引人气,该运动鼓励设计者理解他们所控制的微妙的心理力量,以解决其所称的“数字注意力危机”。

    Tristan Harris , a former Google employee , is building a following for his Time Well Spent movement , tackling what it describes as the " digital attention crisis " by encouraging designers to understand the subtle psychological forces they control .

  6. JR整场比赛的投射表现都很稳定,特里斯坦(汤普森)再现此前G7的神勇状态,化身为我们过去几年见证过的那个前场篮板怪兽。

    JR was consistent all game with his ability to shoot the ball , and ( Thompson ) once again he just picked up right where he left off from Game 7 - just being a monster that we 've grown accustomed to over the last few years on the glass .

  7. 我看了看球队阵容,我所看到的是一群我迫不及待想与其并肩作战的家伙:凯文-乐福(与我旧时的AAU队友重聚!)、特里斯坦-汤普森、JR-史密斯、伊曼-香珀特。

    I look up and down this roster , and all I see is guys I can 't wait to play with : Kevin Love ( reunited with my old AAU teammate ! ) , Tristan Thompson , JR Smith , Iman Shumpert ...

  8. 我试着告诉特里斯坦爱情的重要。

    I was trying to explain to Tristan the importance oflove .

  9. 特里斯坦会给你关于我们俱乐部制度的本子。

    Tristan will give you a copy of our club rules .

  10. 特里斯坦现在是家里最棒的钢琴师了。

    Tristan 's the pianist of the house for now .

  11. 但是特里斯坦决不会透露他是其中的一员。

    But Tristan had never let on that he was a member .

  12. 我觉得特里斯坦应该让我带他的兵马。

    I thought Tristan should let me command his men .

  13. 那么谁站出来和特里斯坦一起与他们战斗?

    Now , who will ride out with Tristan to fight them ?

  14. 特里斯坦,去前面看看路是否安全。

    Tristan , ride ahead and make sure the road is clear .

  15. 他只希望特里斯坦也去。

    He just wished that Tristan was coming too .

  16. 如果他真的加入俱乐部,他该怎么告诉特里斯坦呢?

    How was he going to tell Tristan if he did get in ?

  17. 特里斯坦.德布阿是乌瑟妻子伊格雷恩的兄弟。

    Tristan de Bois was the brother of Ygraine , Uther 's wife .

  18. 引用特里斯坦·哈里斯的说法——鼓励人们反思。

    to use Tristan Harris-type language , engage people 's more reflective thinking .

  19. 特里斯坦给学校的音乐会写过剧本。

    Tristan wrote scripts for the school concerts .

  20. 特里斯坦肯定有很多要说的。

    Tristan , there must be a story .

  21. 我就是这样生活的,特里斯坦,就象你说的我必须这样。

    I 'm living with this , tristan , as you said we must .

  22. 头戴着特里斯坦.德布阿的冠饰。

    He bears the crest of Tristan Dubois .

  23. 这是特里斯坦.德布阿的冠饰。

    It is the crest of Tristan Dubois .

  24. 《特里斯坦和伊索尔德》要演四个小时。

    Tristan clocks in at four hours .

  25. 然后他向特里斯坦看去。

    Then he looked across at tristan .

  26. 但特里斯坦在临死之前下咒终有一天卡梅洛特城会迎来复仇。

    But in his dying breath Tristan cursed Camlot to one day suffer his return .

  27. 特里斯坦肯定曾经也是通过一些渠道进入到学校最酷的俱乐部。

    Tristan must have worked out some way to get into the coolest club in school .

  28. 特里斯坦把你的包拿上去了。

    Tristan took your bags up .

  29. 特里斯坦发现用保温帘是非常有利的。温特博恩和我是搭配得非常好的一对。

    Tristan found that a blanket was extremely beneficial . Winterborn and I were a perfect match .

  30. 虽然其面积很小也非常偏僻,但是特里斯坦-达库尼亚岛却有着丰富的历史。

    Despite its tiny size and astonishing isolation , Tristan de Cunha has enjoyed a rich history .