
  • 网络Special Zone Economy
  1. 浅谈特区经济导航库的建设

    Discussion on the Construction of Navigate Database in Special Area Economy

  2. 关于海南特区经济发展几个问题的思考

    Reflections on Some Problems in the Economic Development of Hainan SEZ

  3. 厦门经济特区经济辐射功能与发展趋势

    On the radiation functions and developing tendency of Xiamen Special Economic Zone

  4. 新世纪初经济特区经济发展的战略思考

    Strategic Reflection on Special Economic Zone Development Early in the New Century

  5. 对特区经济几个问题的认识

    My View on-Some Economic Problems in Special Zones

  6. 特区经济导航库的建设与学科导航库的发展

    The Construction and Development of Subject Navigation System for Research Materials on Special Economic Zones

  7. 深圳特区经济增长因素的定量分析(1981&1985年)

    Quantitative Analysis on Factors Governing Economic Growth in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone ( 1981-1985 )

  8. 为厦门特区经济建设和社会发展做出了重要贡献。

    The Branches has made great contribution to the economic construction and social development of Xiamen Special Economic Zone .

  9. 特区经济法的渊源包括适用于全国的法律、法规,也包括专门适用于经济特区的法律、法规。

    It originates from the laws and regulations universally applicable in China as well as from those exclusively applicable in SEZs .

  10. 国内对长期困扰海南特区经济发展的天然橡胶加工废水进行完全混合污泥法研究的较少。

    There is little study on complete mixing process treating wastewater from natural rubber processing that perplexed the economy of Hainan Province .

  11. 保护和合理利用土地资源,加强土地资源管理对珠海特区经济的可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。珠海市土地资源管理信息系统的建立,是推进珠海土地资源信息化的一项重要举措。

    The establishment of Zhuhai land & resources management information system is an important step in advancing land resources management . Based on the system development and the system implementation .

  12. 根据特区经济发展与人才缺乏的特点,论述了图书馆与人才成长的意义,在培养人才中的作用,如何为人才成长做好服务工作。

    Based on the fact that special zones are highly economically developed but lack in talented personnel , this paper discusses the significance and functions of libraries in the growing and training of talented people , and the services special zone libraries should provide .

  13. 深圳特区不同经济收入人群自测健康研究

    The study on the self-rated health of different economic income people in Shenzhen City

  14. 深圳特区社会经济发展目标模式的思考及其战略对策

    Target Model for Social Economic Development of Shenzhen SEZ and the Strategic Policies thereon

  15. 《华盛顿邮报》还采访了位于华盛顿特区的经济政策研究所的主任劳伦斯·米舍尔。

    Washington Post also spoke to Lawrence Mishel , the president of the Economic Policy Institute , a DC-based think tank .

  16. 宣传特区的经济建设和发展成就,研究探讨特区在改革开放形势下的重大经济理论与实际问题。

    It dilates on the economic constructions and achievements of SEZ and studies the key economic thoery and acctual problems under open policy .

  17. 尤其拓展了大面积的国土,为珠海市经济特区的经济建设提供了物质基础。

    Especially , the reclamation of a large area of country land provides the material foundation of economic construction of Zhuhai special economic developing zone .

  18. 对经济特区、经济技术开发区和沿海经济开发区的外资生产企业征收的企业所得税率仍旧分别为15%和24%。

    The income tax rate remains at15 percent and24 percent respectively for foreign-funded manufacturing enterprises in special economic zones and economic and technological development zones and for those in coastal economic development zones .

  19. 以此为出发点,深入比较科技园区与经济特区、经济开发区等不同形态的经济开发区域间的差异。

    Starting from this , this author also compares in detail the differences of various economic zones like science and technology development zones , special economic zones , economic development zones and so on .

  20. 我们特区的经济从内向转到外向,现在还是刚起步,所以能出口的好的产品还不多。

    We have only just begun to shift the economy of our special economic zones from a domestic orientation to an external orientation , and so we still do n 't have many good , exportable products .

  21. 文中主要阐明我国特区的经济是在社会主义国营经济领导下,以国家资本主义为主,多种经济成份并存的综合性经济。

    The principal view expounded here is : economy in China 's special zones is a multiple one , in which several economic sectors coexist with the socialist state sector playing the leading role and state capitalism enjoying priority .

  22. 中国五大经济特区保持强劲经济增长势头

    China 's five large special economic zones maintain strong economic growth momentum

  23. 香港特区政府太平洋经济合作香港委员会成员。

    Member , Hong Kong Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation , Government of the HKSAR .

  24. 海南岛:应实现从经济特区到生态经济特区的跨越

    Hainan should Strive to Transform from the Special Economic Zone to the Special Eco-economic Zone

  25. 印度经济特区与中国经济特区的重大区别之一便是其规模相异。

    One of the big differences between India 's SEZs and China 's is in size .

  26. 数据显示,特区政府推动经济转型的政策已初见成效。

    Figures show that the economic restructuring policy implemented by the SAR government has borne fruit .

  27. 厦门经济特区是闽南经济发展的龙头地区。

    The Xiamen Special Economic Zone is the dragon 's head area in southern Fujian 's economic development .

  28. 通过提供高水平的基础设施,经济特区将刺激经济活动,吸引外国投资和科学技术。

    By providing pockets of decent infrastructure , the SEZs would stimulate economic activity and attract foreign investment and know-how .

  29. 深圳作为经济特区,市场经济起步早、发育较成熟,城市建设机制呈现了新的特点,对总体规划提出了创新要求。

    Shenzhen , a Special Economic Zone practiced market economy earlier and gained more experience characterized by new urban development mechanism .

  30. 厦门地处东南沿海,是我国最早设立的经济特区之一,经济相对较为发达。

    Xiamen , which is located in southeast littoral , is the earliest one of SEZ setting up of our country , economy is relatively comparatively developed .