
  1. 发展极理论的现实意义与农村发展极构建

    Practical Significance of Development Poles and the Construction of Rural Development Poles

  2. 发展极理论与湛江区域性中心城市建设

    Theory of Development Poles and Development of Zhanjiang into a Regional Key City

  3. 基于发展极理论视角的西部资源型县域经济发展模式探讨

    Study of Development Modes for Resource Rich Counties in Western China : Through a View of Development Poles Theory

  4. 发展极理论与梯度开发理论在桂北经济建设中的运用

    The application of the theories on central point of development and gradient development to the economic construction in the north of Guilin

  5. 农业科技园区建设的理论基础有:发展极理论、系统工程理论、技术诱导和创新理论、创业中心理论和风险投资理论等等。

    The development pole theory , systematic project theory , technology inducement and innovation theory , incubator theory and risk business theory were analysed .

  6. 利用发展极理论,首先分析在环北部湾地区湛江成为该区域中心城市的必要性和可能性。

    Based on the theory of development poles , this paper discusses the necessity and possibility that Zhanjiang will develop into a regional key city around the northern Gulf areas .

  7. 该理论框架紧紧围绕发展极理论为中心,根据我国西部地区实际情况选择出重点地区和优势产业分别作为区域发展极和产业发展极,引导外资重点投向这些地区和产业,使其优先发展。

    On the basis of the reality condition in west of China , it revolves around " growth pole " theory to select some important regions and industries being region growth poles and industry growth poles respectively .

  8. 笔者从发展极理论和梯度开发理论出发,论证了桂北经济的发展是综合运用发展极与梯度开发理论并实现两者高度结合的结果。

    On the bases of the theories on the central point of development and gradient development , this paper proves that the economic growth in the North of Gulin is the result of the comprehensive use of the theories and as well as the combination of the theories .

  9. 本文将西方区域经济发展的增长极理论应用于我国农村发展的研究中,提出了农村增长中心的概念,并论述了农村增长中心的特征、性质和意义以及建设农村增长中心的有效途径。

    This article applied the Western growth pole theory of region-al economic development to the study of rural development in China . Proposed the conception of rural growth center and discuss-ed the characteristic , nature and the effective way to develop the rural growth center .

  10. 介绍增长极概念的提出和发展,总结增长极理论中蕴含的经济思想。

    Introduce the generation and development of the ' growth pole conception , summarize economic thoughts embodied in growth pole theory .

  11. 城乡融合理论、核心外围理论、城乡网络化发展理论、增长极理论等为后文的研究提供了重要的启示。

    The theory of urban and rural integration , core-periphery theory , network development of urban and rural theory and growth pole theory provide key enlightenments for the following research .

  12. 在当前的通信企业管理中,积极引入并加强项目管理,这对于当下通信企业的发展具有极强的理论指导意义和实践应用价值。

    In the current communication business management , and actively introduce and strengthen project management , which for the immediate development of telecommunications companies with strong guidance in theory significance and practical application value .

  13. 首先,对现代服务业和现代金融服务业的内涵进行界定的基础上,对金融发展理论和发展极理论进行了详细的概述,并以此作为本文的理论支撑。

    Firstly , based on the defining the modern services and modern financial services industry . Extremely overview of the theory : economic development theory and development of financial , and as a theoretical support for this dissertation .

  14. 本文探讨了高速公路建设项目促进区域经济发展的内在机理,阐述了区域经济学中的区位理论、发展极理论以及梯度推移理论。

    This paper has probed into the inherent mechanism that the expressway construction project brings about an advance in regional economy , and has explained position theory , growth pole theory and gradient lapse theory in regional economy .

  15. 现代城市发展的直接动因是工业的发展,较为系统地论述城市化的一般机制的理论,主要是法国经济学家佩鲁(F.Perroux)提出的发展极理论及由其所衍生的增长极理论。

    The direct motive of the development of modern city is the development of industry .