
  1. 结果发现汉字再认减英文再认的差异脑区为右小脑、左顶下小叶(BA40)、左颞中回。

    The Result showed that the brain section discrepancy that Chinese recognition minus English recognition are regarded as Right cerebellum 、 Left inferior parietal lobule 、 Left middle temporal gyrus .

  2. 我发现汉字挺难写的。

    I find the Chinese characters difficult to write .

  3. 实际上,当你了解汉字之后会发现汉字并不难学。

    In fact , you will find it not so hard to learn after you get to know the Chinese characters .

  4. 本文试从修辞的角度对汉字本体进行考察,发现汉字本体构造与修辞之间存在相互影响的关系。

    After the research of the noumenon of Chinese character from the rhetorical angle , we have found that the noumenon of Chinese character and rhetoric influence each other .

  5. 本文通过研究发现,汉字字体的构成是物象符号化、语言图像化的典范。

    They are an apotheosis as physical symbol and graphic character .

  6. 渐渐地,书法研究者首先发现了汉字的最小结构单位&笔画。

    Gradually , Chinese calligraphy first discovered the smallest structural units - strokes .

  7. 发现了汉字桃花的秘密,你能再做几朵这样的汉字桃花吗?

    The secret of peach characters that you can do a few such Chinese peach ?

  8. 还发现在汉字的认知加工过程中有豆状核、丘脑及小脑的参与。

    Putamen , thalamus and cerebellum were found to involve in the cognitive process of Chinese characters .

  9. 结果发现:汉字声旁的规则性与形旁语义透明度都直接影响听写的正确率与错误率;

    The results indicated that both phonetic and radical parts had influence on the accuracy of orthographic output ;

  10. 通过对日语汉字音读和汉语中古音进行比较,发现日语汉字音读与汉语中古音有强烈的对应关系。其中声假名和中古音声母的对应比较整齐:あ段全部对应喉音影、余二母;

    By a comparison on the Japanese phonetic-reading and Chinese mediaeval time tone , discovering that intense corresponding relationship existed in the mutual aspect .

  11. 统计编码数据发现,汉字依手写部件数的分布规律呈对数正态分布。

    From the statistical data we can found that the distribution of Chinese character numbers with regard to radical numbers fits the logarithmic normal distribution model .

  12. 结果发现,汉字无论处于垂直正位下,还是处于以45°间隔递增的七种倾斜角度下,都存在笔画类型效应。

    The experimental results showed whether characters were located at upright or at seven disorientations with angular deviations from the upright by 45 ° step , there were effects of stroke type .

  13. 研究三发现,汉字存在显著的位置来源提取旧/新效应,但与汉字声音来源提取旧/新效

    From the third research we could see that the old / new effect of location source retrieval for Chinese characters was also significant , but the temporal and spatial distributions of this effect were different from those of voice sourc

  14. 研究结果发现聋生在汉字加工中使用了语音编码。

    Sequence recall study . The results suggest us that deaf subjects use phonological code to recede Chinese characters .

  15. 我们已经探索发现由常用汉字的偏旁字符所构成的复杂网络具有小世界效应以及无标度特征。

    This study has found that the Complex Networks built up by the radicals of popular Chinese characters have Small World effect and Scale-free property .

  16. 根据其中部分日语汉字词与相应的古代汉语词的形义关系,发现这些日语汉字词在训诂学上有重要作用。

    According to the relationship of the graphemes and their meanings between some Japanese words and accompanied old Chinese words , we find these Chinese characters in Japanese are very important for ancient Chinese study .

  17. 笔者在教学过程中,在学生的作业、作文和考试中收集了汉字错误,并及时对错别字进行整理和分类,并做出数据化分析,从中发现华裔学生汉字偏误的特点及成因。

    This Chinese character errors are mainly from students ' homework , writing in the test collection , Chinese characters errors , and timely collate and classify these errors , and make data analysis , found from Chinese characters error characteristics of Chinese students .