
fà zhǐ
  • bristle with anger;boil with anger;bristle(boil)with anger
发指 [fà zhǐ]
  • [bristle或(boil)with anger] 头发竖起来,形容非常愤怒

  • 士皆瞋目,发尽上指。--《史记.刺客列传》

  • 令人发指

发指[fà zhǐ]
  1. 如果要你放过一个犯下发指罪行的人。

    And that you would have to let a guy go who committed an unspeakable act .

  2. 但如果我音乐体育计算机好得让人发指,葡萄牙语说得跟母语似的,但是数学英语和化学全不及格,我也是个差生。

    But if my music sports computer 's heinous , Portuguese say with native English and math , but I failed , the chemical is a difference .