
  • 网络Deacon
  1. 狄肯报告称“太阳守望者”包括大型的高度机密的宇宙飞船舰队。

    Deacon reports that SOLAR WARDEN encompasses a small fleet of large , highly classified spaceplanes .

  2. 狄肯只提到它作为一个巨大的天体,能造成严重的引力和其他方面的影响。

    Deacon only referred to it as a massive astronomical object , causing serious gravitational and other effects .

  3. 狄肯质朴的脸上露出了开心的笑容。

    There was a big smile on Dickon 's honest face .

  4. 柯林几乎每天都由狄肯和玛丽带到这儿,

    Colin was brought there by Dickon and Mary nearly every day ,

  5. 我弟弟狄肯总是在荒原上,

    My brother Dickon , he 's always out on the moor .

  6. 玛丽和狄肯进秘密花园里面去。

    Mary , or Dickon entering the secret garden .

  7. 狄肯仔细听着知更鸟的歌声。

    Dickon listened carefully to the robin 's song .

  8. 玛丽喜欢狄肯的约克郡口音,所以努力在学他,

    Mary loved Dickon 's Yorkshire dialect and was trying to learn it herself .

  9. 可当他听狄肯说用轮椅推着他时,他同意了。

    but when he heard that Dickon would push the wheelchair , he agreed .

  10. 他像约克郡别的男孩一样直!狄肯说。

    ' He 's as straight as any boy in Yorkshire !' said Dickon .

  11. 他没看见柯林和狄肯。

    He had not seen Colin or Dickon .

  12. 狄肯笑了,“你说的不错呀!我还不知道你会说约克郡的话!

    Dickon laughed . 'Well done ! I didn 't know you could speak Yorkshire !

  13. 狄肯立刻来到他身旁,玛丽感到有点担心,柯林能站起来吗?

    Dickon was by his side in a second.Mary felt sick with fear.Could Colin stand ?

  14. 狄肯一天晚上在挖屋前的菜园时把这事告诉了妈妈。

    Dickon told his mother about it one evening as he was digging the cottage garden .

  15. 你还能帮我们收拾园子。”狄肯友好地说道。

    You 'll be able to help us with the gardening , " said Dickon kindly .

  16. 要是你愿意,狄肯能给你弄一把铲子,还能给你些花籽。”

    Dickon can get you a spade , and some seeds to plant , if you like . '

  17. 狄肯已经在那儿了,正起劲地挖着土,他的身边有一只乌鸦和一只小狐狸。

    Dickon was already there , digging hard , with the crow and a young fox beside him .

  18. 狄肯是个懂事的孩子,他对柯林说。但是别忘了

    ' Dickon 's a sensible boy ,' he told Colin . ' But don 't forget & '

  19. 是花园、玛丽、狄肯和魔法使我康复的。

    It was the garden , and Mary and Dickon and the magic , that made me well .

  20. 他们来到秘密花园,一起走了进去。狄肯四处走着,每样东西都看看。

    They went to the secret garden and entered it together . Dickon walked round , looking at everything .

  21. 第二天玛丽像往常一样在秘密花园里见到狄肯,她告诉他柯林的事。

    The next day Mary met Dickon as usual in the secret garden , and told him about Colin .

  22. 玛丽接着又给他讲荒原,讲狄肯,讲本·威瑟斯塔夫,还有那只知更鸟。

    Then Mary told him about the moor , and Dickon , and Ben Weatherstaff , and the robin ,

  23. 柯林瘦弱的脚放在草地上,扶着狄肯的胳膊站了起来。

    Then Colin 's thin feet were on the grass and he was standing , holding Dickon 's arm .

  24. 狄肯推着轮椅在花园里转着,告诉柯林所有植物的名字,

    As Dickon pushed the wheelchair all round the garden , he told Colin the names of all the plants .

  25. 她已经开始喜欢上园子、知更鸟、玛莎、狄肯、还有他们的母亲。

    She had begun to like the gardens , and the robin , and Martha and Dickon and their mother .

  26. 她打算每天与狄肯一起在花园里干活儿,让花园在夏天漂亮起来。

    She was planning to work in the garden with Dickon every day , to make it beautiful for the summer .

  27. 我是狄肯,你肯定就是玛丽小姐了。我给你带铲子和花籽来了。”

    I 'm Dickon and you must be Miss Mary . I 've brought you the spade and the seeds . "

  28. 她一直都想有只属于自己的动物,因此开始对狄肯有了一点兴趣。

    She had always wanted an animal of her own , and so she began to feel a little interest in Dickon .

  29. 于是他们围坐在草地上,狄肯和他的乌鸦、狐狸以及两只松鼠,玛丽、柯林、还有本。

    So they all sat on the grass in a circle , Dickon with his crow , his fox and the two squirrels , Mary , Colin , and Ben .

  30. 布里奇和狄肯都报告称,起作用的主要因素来自大规模的银河系范围的变化,与长期的对地球周期性的影响有联系。

    Burisch and Deacon both report that the principal factors at play are large scale and galactic in nature , linked with long-term , recurring cycles of influence on the Earth .