
  • 网络Deborah Lee;Debra;Deborah;Tomie dePaola
  1. 职业专家狄波拉?布朗-沃克曼说,当求职者努力申请工作时都该问问自己下面六个问题。

    Career expert Deborah Brown-Volkman has six questions every job seeker should ask themselves when pursuing a position .

  2. 狄波拉用尽心机去猜哪一个女儿会得顶好的席位。

    Deborah exerted much sagacity in conjecturing which of the two girls was likely to have the best place .

  3. 张柏芝这次怀孕疑云的确扑朔迷离,婆婆狄波拉站出来亲证媳妇没有喜。

    Cecilia Cheung is indeed bewildering suspicions of the pregnancy , mother-in-law Deborah stand up and daughter-in-law did not permit the pro-hi .

  4. 他的爸爸是60年代著名演员兼大众情人谢贤,母亲是前港姐狄波拉,两人都是新闻焦点人物。

    His parents , the flamboyant '60 's heartthrob Patrick Tse-yin and his wife , former Hong Kong beauty queen and actress Deborah Li , attracted similar press interest .

  5. 身为二十四孝婆婆的狄波拉,昨日指孙子有个好妈妈张柏芝宠爱,相比起万千宠爱来得重要。

    As the best mother-in-law , Deborah said that her grandson has the most love from a good mother , which is more important than the myriad love from others .