
  • 网络fox hole;foxhole
  1. 清流狐狸洞人类牙齿化石记述

    Note on fossil human teeth from Fox cave at Qingliu

  2. 他带我去个叫狐狸洞的地方。

    He took me someplace call the foxy hunt .

  3. 在进入游戏区前,你需要寻找各种掩体:狐狸洞、路障、栅栏、篱笆,等等等,想象自己脑中的地图!

    Before you start to scope out the game zone , you need cover : fox holes , barricades , fences , wood , armoured personnel carriers , bits of bird , more barricades , big tubes , grass , Russians , Visualise yourself a mind map !

  4. 当他进来时,狐狸穿过洞逃走了。

    When he came in , the fox ran away through the hole .

  5. 小狐狸从洞里出发。

    Little fox set out from the cave .

  6. 猎人把狐狸从洞里挖了出来。

    The hunters dug out the fox .

  7. 耶稣说,狐狸有洞,天空的飞鸟有窝,人子却没有枕头的地方。

    And Jesus saith unto him , The foxes have holes , and the birds of the air have nests ; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head .

  8. 我们将用火把狐狸驱逐出洞。

    We 'll fire the fox out of the hole .

  9. 几条狗把狐狸赶进了洞。

    The dogs holed the fox .