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  • 网络The Fox Woman;fox lady;AHRI
  1. 清代文言小说中的狐女在总体上可称为寄托意愿、补偿现实的一种象征性的文学意象。

    They can be described as a symbolic literary image which will be placed and treated as the compensation for reality .

  2. 狐女与人的交往折射出当时社会中人与人交往的特点,蕴涵着复杂的文化、心理和个人因素。

    The communication between female fox and human beings reflects the character of interpersonal communication and contains complex factors about culture , psychology and personality .

  3. 小说中的狐女阿绣黠慧豁达,多情多义,因追求荚而生爱,又因爱的奉献与付出而芙到极致。

    Smart and generous , the fox girl A'Xiu is both affectionate and loyal ; she fell in love in pursuit of beauty , and became a perfect beauty for her contribution and love .

  4. 引论部分:对婚恋型狐女故事的含义加以界定,回顾它的由来和在清之前的发展演变状况,为清代文言小说中的故事作一历史铺陈和背景描述。

    Introduction : In this part , the thesis defines the love and marriage type of fox-maiden stories and recalls its fountainhead and development before Qing Dynasty in order to provide the historical background for the stories in the novels written in classical Chinese in Qing Dynasty .