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  • 网络old bottles
  1. 第九十九批拍卖品是一对古瓶。

    Lot 99 is a pair of antique vases .

  2. 一只珍贵的古瓶掉进海里了。

    Arare old vase dropped into the sea .

  3. 百叶窗,古瓶式的门,门上有明瓦纸的小窗。

    There were Venetian blinds on the window and a door in the shape of an ancient vase with a small opening pasted with transparent paper .

  4. 其它更近期的物品有旧唱片、旧杂志、明信片、垒球卡片、彩色玻璃、布娃娃、早期汽车、古瓶和连环画册。

    Other items of more recent interest include old photograph records , old magazines , post cards , baseball cards , art glass , dolls , classic cars , old bottles , and comic books .

  5. 浅论古希腊瓶画的图案语言及装饰手法

    Bottle Paintings of Ancient Greece : Language of Patterns and Ways of Decoration

  6. 我最近入手了一只中国的古花瓶。

    RecentlyI bought an ancient Chinese vase .