
  • 网络ancient battlefield
  1. 那座城堡坐落在一片古战场上。

    The castle stands on the site of an ancient battlefield .

  2. 他应该属于那种血腥的古战场。

    He 'd be right at home on some ancient battlefield .

  3. 古战场的布局从高处清晰可见。

    The pattern of the ancient fields is clearly visible from a height .

  4. 赤壁是三国古战场遗址。

    Red Cliff is the site of three ancient battlefields .

  5. 乔佛里道,古战场就在前面,绿叉河转弯的地方。

    The battleground is right up ahead , where the river bends .

  6. 赤壁古战场历史地理研究

    A Historical Geographic Study of the Ancient Chi Bi Battlefield

  7. 晋阳古战场考察报告

    A Survey of the Ancient Battlefields in Jinyang

  8. 人们说,那是一片古战场,有很多的大炮和墓碑。

    People say it is an ancient battleground , with its many cannons and tombstones .

  9. 只可能有一种理解:这里是古战场。

    The only possible explanation is that 's an ancient battle field in the past .

  10. 门基斯因在《古战场传奇》和《权力的游戏》中扮演的角色而闻名,他饰演的菲利普亲王一定会让粉丝们兴奋不已。

    Menzies is famous for his roles on Outlander and Game of Thrones , and his casting as Prince Philip is sure to have fans excited .

  11. 老人冲进风浪翻腾的苍茫大海。[血色苍茫]是古战场系列画作的首篇。

    The old man plowed on into the gigantic wilderness of wave and writhing sea . " sanguineous sky " is the first paint of my series about archaian war field .

  12. 就像是你我在参观古战场时,通过记忆中神秘的线索,与古时候在这里作战的人之间,产生的那种超越时间的感受;

    It 's like the kind of transcendent sensation you or I might have if we visited an old battlefield and felt connected by mystic chords of memory to the people who fought there long ago ;

  13. 古罗马战场曾尸横遍地。让老鼠吃掉,用油锅熬煎,被烈马分尸-这些都是不好受的。

    The ancient Rome battlefield was a scene of great carnage . To be eaten by rats , or boiled in oil , or pulled apart by wild horses-that would be unpleasant .

  14. 投石器由木头组装而成,能够投掷出足以砸碎敌人头颅的燃烧的石头。投石器在古罗马战场上非常常见,在中世纪时期它被具有更大威力的武器所替代。

    Constructed of wood and capable of flinging stones large enough to crush a man 's head , the catapult was a common site on the ancient Roman battlefield . Now in the medieval era the catapult is being replaced by newer and more powerful weapons .