
dú mù qiáo
  • single-plank bridge;single-log bridge;difficult path;footlog;one-plank bridge
独木桥 [dú mù qiáo]
  • (1) [footlog;one-plank bridge]∶简单的人行桥,常用一面砍平的一根圆木做成

  • (2) [difficult path]∶比喻困难危险的路程

独木桥[dú mù qiáo]
  1. 要走过这座独木桥对我是件难事。

    Negotiation of the single-plank bridge was difficult for me .

  2. 从后退的黄金桥到后退的独木桥&论共同犯罪的犯罪中止

    From Retreating Golden Bridge to Single-log Bridge

  3. 你走你的阳关道,我过我的独木桥。

    You go your way and I 'll go mine .

  4. 我都是生活在独木桥上。

    I 've been living a life on a IOG bridge .

  5. 残雪消融溪流淙淙,独木桥自横。

    Remnant snow melting to gurgling brook , footlog lying there all alone .

  6. 学生们逐一走过独木桥。

    The students filed across a narrow foot bridge .

  7. 有8000万的中国高中生都已经参加过这个独木桥考试。

    And 80 million high school Chinese students have already taken this grueling test .

  8. 那次落水之后,我便没有勇气再过那座独木桥。

    After that accident , I lost the courage to cross the wooden bridge .

  9. 之后他走他的阳关道,你走你的独木桥,互不相干,好吧?

    And then he 'll go his way and you 'll go yours . Okay ?

  10. 我的马是不是保持正直在“独木桥”上?

    Is my horse straight when going through the " chute " of the two poles ?

  11. 他不敢过这座独木桥,因为他害怕掉进河里。

    He was afraid to cross the one-logged bridge because he was afraid of falling into the river .

  12. 我认为我这一代人深受高考制度的压迫。家长和老师都是统一战线,要把学生推向高考独木桥。

    Parents and teachers push the students to succeed in the College Entrance Exam by any means necessary .

  13. 今天我驯象师大牛要让你见识见识大象是怎么走独木桥的。

    Today , I 'd like you to see with your own eyes how an elephant walks along such a bridge .

  14. 游客们挨个儿成单行走过独木桥。木桥之力不足以支撑一列火车。

    The tourists filed across a narrow foot bridge . a wooden bridge is not strong enough to support a railway train .

  15. 如果你和他人之间只有一座独木桥,那么,请你以博大的胸怀去加宽这座生命的桥梁;

    If there is only a single-boarded bridge between you and others , please try to broaden it with your great sympathy .

  16. 独木桥与阳关道&医科大学教医研辩证关系的思考

    Single plank bridge and broad road & thoughts about the dialectical relationships of teaching , medical treatment and scientific research of medical university

  17. 北方佬把桥烧毁了,可是她知道再过几百码到河床狭窄的地方有座独木桥。

    The Yankees had burned the bridge but she knew of a footlog bridge across a narrow point of the stream a hundred yards below .

  18. 我是不是通过正确的对角线,是不是在“独木桥”上变换方向时没有低头看,我能不能感觉到对角线?

    Am I posting on the correct diagonal , changing my diagonal between the poles , without dropping my head to look ? Can I feel the diagonal ?

  19. 虽然1999实施的高校扩招政策为许多人铺设了通向理想的坦途,但就业之路却成了千军万马要过的独木桥。

    The increased enrolment policy that took effect in 1999 opened the path of dreams for many , but the bridge to employment led to a narrower path for more .

  20. 上午是颇具挑战性的拓展训练内容,包括霹雳滚桶、魔鬼车轮、木桩功夫桥、铁锁吊桥、一线铁锁桥、九曲独木桥、踏水无痕、向风起舞、铁甲四强等项目。

    In the morning , They did some physical skill training on the water , including magic wheels , tumbling barrels , swinging bridges , steel nets , floaters and many other interesting and challenging items .

  21. 老禅师沉着地迈步走到那座摇摇晃晃、十分危险的独木桥中央,选了远处的一棵树做靶子,拉开弓箭,一箭射中,动作干净利落。

    Calmly stepping out onto the middle of the unsteady and certainly perilous bridge , the old maser picked a far away tree as a target , drew his bow , and fired a clean , direct hit .

  22. 创编的平衡操和独木桥游戏锻炼了盲生的平衡能力,虽未收到明显的效果,但盲生的平衡能力相对方案实施前也有了提高。

    Creating balance exercise and " single-log bridge " game exercise the balance ability of the blind students . Though the effect is not obvious , the balance ability of he blind students also has been improved before implementation of the plan .

  23. 但是,由于长期受传统教育思想、模式、机制的影响,一些家长及学生至今仍去挤普通高等教育的独木桥,人才市场也更乐意接纳受普通高等教育的毕业生。

    Because of the long-term effect of traditional educational ideas , models and mechanism , however , there are still some parents and students who would try to make up to the traditional high education , and the employment market is inclined to absorb graduates of traditional high education .