
dú lì tuán
  • independent regiment;separate regiment
  1. 〔18〕一九二六年北伐时,叶挺领导的部队为一个独立团。

    [ 18 ] Comrade Yeh Ting commanded an independent regiment during the Northern Expedition in 1926 .

  2. 在罗马军队中,最小的战术编队是由120人组成的独立战团。

    The smallest tactical unit in the Roman army trusted with independent maneuver was the 120-man maniple .

  3. 浅谈独立学院班团干部队伍的建设与培养

    On Construction and Cultivation of the Class and League Leader Committee in Unattached College

  4. 行星爆炸式形成的驱动力可能来自于3个较小星系的合并——详细的研究证明Himiko并不是单一的发光体,而是三个独立的发光团。

    The burst of star formation may be powered by a merger of three smaller galaxies - the detailed new observations show that Himiko is not one homogenous blob but three separate luminous clumps .

  5. 从独立集和团的角度,研究了其稳定网络的特性,设计了一种好的算法,构造出了个2-稳定网络,其稳定性代价是1。

    On the basis of concepts and properties of the independent set and the clique , the paper researches the properties of a special network and obtains an excellent algorithm , and then constructs a 2-stable network whose price of stability is equal to 1 .

  6. 一支独立的科学调查团已经做出结论认为聚合油是绝对安全的,行了吗?

    An independent panel of scientists has determined that allinol is completely safe , okay ?

  7. 教学内容上,北京师大独立开设了基本体操,华南师大独立开设了团体操选修课。

    Teaching content , Beijing Normal University set up an independent basic gymnastics , South China Normal University set up an independent group calisthenics elective .