
liè niǎo
  • Bird Hunting;hunt birds
  1. 这种调味汁不但配野鸡好吃,配其他烤猎鸟也不错。

    The sauce is good with other roasted game birds , too , not just pheasant .

  2. 小型猎鸟,圆体、短尾。

    Small game bird with a rounded body and small tail .

  3. 美国东部和中部受人欢迎的猎鸟。

    A favorite game bird of eastern and central United States .

  4. 雉科鸟中的一种猎鸟。

    A kind of game bird in the family Phasianidae .

  5. 糖原作为能量储备,猎鸟能飞多久?

    Glycogen as energy storage : how long can a game bird fly ?

  6. 东半球小型鹑类猎鸟。

    Small Old World gallinaceous game birds .

  7. 猎鸟是为了乐趣。

    Game birds are hunted for sport .

  8. 猎鸟猎捕、诱捕或射杀野禽猎人把雄鹿射死了。

    To hunt , trap , or shoot wildfowl . The hunter shot the stag dead .

  9. 这一带的猎鸟者称这些鹦鹉有时会拜访养鸟人。

    Birders in the area say that the parakeets will visit home bird feeders from time to time .

  10. 活跃的短尾高个品种的猎鸟犬,通常有光滑的橙色或肝褐色和白色皮毛。

    Tall active short-tailed French breed of bird dog having a usually smooth orange - or liver-and-white coat .

  11. 保护区有许多区段特别吸引猎鸟者和自然爱好者。

    There are a number of sections of the refuge that are particularly good for birders and naturalists .

  12. (猎鸟,猎禽)鹌鹑的肉;如果是幼鸟,适合于烘烤或烧烤;否则必须炖。

    ( game bird ) flesh of quail ; suitable for roasting or broiling if young ; otherwise must be braised .

  13. 新旧大陆矶鹬科的长喙猎鸟;产于沼泽地区;与丘鹬形似。

    Old or New World straight-billed game bird of the sandpiper family ; of marshy areas ; similar to the woodcocks .

  14. 体形丰满、腿脚有毛的猎鸟。像现代鸟类一样,它们的翅膀上布满羽毛。

    Popular game bird having a plump body and feathered legs and feet . Feathers covered these wings as on modern birds .

  15. 因为通常飞翔肌中含有大约0.35%的糖原,计算猎鸟能飞多长时间?

    Given that the flight muscles usually contain about 0.35 % glycogen by weight , calculate how long a game bird can fly .

  16. 美洲温暖地区有头冠的大型树栖猎鸟,长腿长尾;猎用和食用价值均非常高。

    Large crested arboreal game bird of warm parts of the Americas having long legs and tails ; highly esteemed as game and food .

  17. (猎鸟,猎禽)鸡形目禽鸟科的所有松鸡的肉;常用作烘烤;肉太干,不适合于烧烤。

    ( game bird ) flesh of any of various grouse of the family Tetraonidae ; usually roasted ; flesh too dry to broil .

  18. 他在新闻事业上的运气稍差:义和团运动爆发时,他刚好外出猎鸟,因此错失了其一生中最重大的中国历史事件。

    He had less luck with his journalism , having been away snipe-shooting when the Boxer rebellion broke out , thus missing the biggest Chinese story in his lifetime .