
  • 网络The Lion Hunt;Lion-hunting
  1. 有时“守护者”们干预和驱散猎狮者们。

    Sometimes the guardians intervene and break up lion-hunters .

  2. 琼斯放纵他的想象,想象他在非洲猎狮。

    Jones let his imagination run riot thinking he was hunting lions in Africa .

  3. 他在非洲猎狮。

    He 's in Africa shooting lions .

  4. 目前,有11个非洲国家颁发猎狮许可,其中包括津巴布韦、南非、纳米比亚和坦桑尼亚。

    Currently , 11 African countries issue lion-hunting permits , including Zimbabwe , South Africa , Namibia and Tanzania .

  5. 同样重要的是,狩猎还与豪华旅游业结合了起来。比方说,猎狮的收费可达5.5万美元。

    And just as important , it is woven into the luxury sector of the travel industry , with fees that can reach $ 55000 to hunt lions , for example .