
  1. 我打算穿耳洞。

    I 'm having my ears pierced .

  2. 例如,耳洞的文化实践已经成为现代文化的一部分。

    The cultural practice of ear piercings , for example , has become a part of modern day culture .

  3. 小高:你不是说你打了耳洞吗?

    And didn 't you say you pierced your own ears ?

  4. 为什么穿耳洞的男人更适合婚姻?

    Why are man with pierced ears better suited for marriage ?

  5. 盖比准备打耳洞,我想去看看。

    Gaby 's getting her ears pierced and I want to watch .

  6. 我真无法相信,我的小弟竟穿了耳洞!

    I can 't believe that my little brother pierced his ear !

  7. 昨晚我还去穿耳洞,我耶

    I mean , last night I got my ear pierced . Me !

  8. 决不需要后悔扎耳洞。

    We 'll never regret piercing our ears .

  9. 我认为穿过耳洞的男人对结婚准备得更为充分。

    I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage .

  10. 噢,他刚想要在双耳穿耳洞。

    Oh , he was just thinking about getting both of his ears pierced .

  11. 不过我还是不能在十六岁以前打耳洞

    Sherry : But I still can 't get the hoops till I 'm 16 .

  12. 那年夏天,那段只属于右耳洞的沧桑。

    That summer , period belongs only to the vicissitudes of the right ear hole .

  13. 双耳洞,围脖。

    Double ears pierce . Infinity scarf .

  14. 他穿着来自外国的趣味服装,耳洞上穿有鲨鱼牙齿;

    He wears interesting clothing from foreign countries . His ears are pierced with shark teeth .

  15. 我有耳洞

    I have my ears pierced .

  16. 不过无论如何,耳洞的意义虽然不在了,美丽还是永远的。

    Anyway , although piercing ears does not mean something , the beauty of ears lasts forever .

  17. 美兰妮也想打耳洞她妈妈当然不同意啦

    Sherry : So Melanie wanted to get her ears pierced , but of course her mother said no.

  18. 打过耳洞的男人关于婚姻的准备工作做得比没有打过的男人好,因为他们经历过疼痛而且买过珠宝。

    Men who have pierced ears are better prepared for marriage . They 've experienced pain and bought jewelry .

  19. 如果是耳环,如果你的耳洞已经完全愈合,没有任何感染或伤口,那就没有什么大问题。

    If it 's earrings and your piercings are fully healed and you have no infections or cuts , no biggie .

  20. 我13岁时去了伦敦的卡纳比街,打了耳洞,染了橘黄色的头发。

    When I was13 , I went to Carnaby Street in London and got my ear pierced and dyed my hair orange .

  21. 但要想心情好起来可能还有更简单的办法往耳洞里照点亮光就行了。

    But there may be a much simpler way of cheering yourself up * simply shining a bright light into your ear canal .

  22. 如果经常戴的话,重的耳环会使你的耳垂凹陷,同时耳洞还会被拉伸以及导致变形。

    If worn too often , heavy earrings will make your lobes sag . They will also stretch the holes and deform them .

  23. 就是那个被发现纹身的冰人干尸身上,也打了耳洞,展开来约有七到十七毫米左右宽呢。

    It was found on the Iceman that had the tattoos ! He had pierced ears that had been stretched seven to eleven millimeters wide .

  24. 盖瑞怒视着他的年轻长官,气得耳根发红。当年伊蒙学士把他坏死的耳朵割去,如今耳洞旁还留着伤疤。

    Gared glared at the lordling , the scars around his ear holes flushed red with anger where Maester Aemon had cut the ears away .

  25. 再后来呢,部落的人们相信恶魔会通过耳朵进入你的身体,所以他们认为耳洞上的金属会起到保护作用。

    Later on , tribes believed that demons could enter your body through the ears , so they thought that the metal in the piercing would protect them .

  26. 尽管身上有穿洞(如耳洞、唇环等)的人睡在这张浮床上没有问题,但鲁基森纳斯建议他们还是避免身处在床和地面的磁场之中。

    Although people with piercings should have no problem sleeping on the bed , the architect advises them against entering the magnetic field between the bed and the floor .

  27. 可我的大闺女总选择在上学前一刻、睡前或我正当带着豺狼般贪婪的面目洗劫冰箱时来纠缠我,恳求我允许她穿耳洞。

    The Big Girl chooses to pester me with her pleas to get her ear pierced just before school , just before bed , or when I 'm rifling in the refrigerator with a wolfish look .

  28. 她去上了亨特学院【1】,在亨特她入的是哲学系。她开始身着黑色衣服,不再化妆,穿紧身连衣裤。有一天她甚至用乘务员用的打孔机给自己穿了耳洞。

    She went to Hunter College , and she got into the philosophy department at Hunter , and she started dressing with black clothes and no make-up , and leotards , y'know , and she pierced her ears one day with a conductors punch , y'know .

  29. 如果不是耳洞,而是身体其他部位的穿孔,由于这些身体组织含有血管,你将更加容易被感染,所以对待肚脐,鼻子,嘴巴或舌头上的任何饰品都要非常小心。

    When it comes to pretty much any piercing other than an ear piercing , you 're more vulnerable because of the blood vessels in the tissue , so you should be especially careful with belly rings , nose rings , and anything that goes in your mouth or tongue .