
  • 网络Ototoxicity;ototoxity;ototoxic
  1. 目的观察白黎芦醇(resveratrol,Res)对抗庆大霉素耳毒性的作用。

    Objective To study the prevention of gentamicin ototoxicity by resveratrol ( Res ) in guinea pigs .

  2. PAA对庆大霉素的耳毒性具有拮抗作用,且不减低其抗菌活性。

    PAA had the protective effect against the cochlear ototoxicity of GM without decreasing its antimicrobial activity .

  3. 脑细胞生长肽对GM耳毒性的预防作用

    Preventive effects of cerebrocellular growth peptide on gentamycin-induced inner ear damage in guinea pigs

  4. 背景:丹参可有效减轻卡那霉素对CBA小鼠的耳毒性效应;

    BACKGROUND : Radix Salvia Miltiorrhiza can effectively attenuate kanamycin induced hearing loss in CBA mice .

  5. survivin、caspase-3在大鼠耳蜗发育过程以及顺铂耳毒性和磷霉素钠拮抗的大鼠耳蜗中表达规律的实验研究

    Expression of Survivin and Caspase-3 during the Development Process and in the Protection of Fosfomycin Sodium Against Cisplatin-induced Ototoxicity in Rat Cochlea

  6. 目的:检测水杨酸钠对耳蜗血流量(cochlearbloodflow,CoBF)的影响,探讨水杨酸盐耳毒性发生的机制。

    Objective : To determine the effects of sodium salicylate on cochlear blood flow ( CoBF ) and explore the mechanism of salicylate ototoxicity .

  7. 结论:CCGP能降低GM的耳毒性;

    Conclusion : CCGP can reduce GM ototoxicity .

  8. 外源性神经生长因子(NGF)对庆大霉素耳毒性阈移影响的实验研究

    The Experimental Study about the Influence of Exogenous Nerve Growth Factor ( NGF ) on ABR Thresholds Shift Following the Ototoxicity of Gentamicin

  9. 结论:针刺能减轻GE耳毒性,对SDH有保护作用。

    Conclusions : EA therapy could relieve GE ototoxicity , protect SDH in cochlear hair cells and might be a possible mechanism of action of EA .

  10. 目的:比较庆大霉素(GM)及其代谢产物的耳蜗毛细胞毒性,以及Ca2+、Mg2+对GM耳毒性的影响。

    Objective To compare the toxicities between gentamicin and its metabolite , and study the effects of Ca ~ ( 2 + ) and Mg ~ ( 2 + ) on the toxicity gentamicin .

  11. 自由基和铁离子在GM的耳毒性中起重要作用,DFO能有效减轻GM的耳毒性作用,可能成为有希望的预防药物。

    This study suggests that free radical and iron involve in GM ototoxicity and DFO may become a promising therapeutic agent that can be used to reduce gentamicin ototoxicity .

  12. 毒副反应的比较表明:PVP以肾毒性、胃肠毒性和耳毒性为主,发生率分别为13.2%、79.24%和11.32%;

    In PVP group there were mainly nephrotoxicity . gastrointestinal toxicity and ototoxicity . The incidences of them were 13.2 % , 79.2 % and 11.32 % respectively .

  13. 小诺霉素(MCR)是小儿常用的新型氨基甙类抗生素,其耳毒性迄今了解甚少。

    Micronomicin ( MCR ) is a new aminoglycoside antibiotics of usual uses in pediatry , its ototoxicity has been known little up to now .

  14. 40Hz听觉相关电位测试在耳毒性试验中的应用

    40-Hz Auditory event related potential audiometry used for ototoxicity experiment

  15. 目的利用听觉脑干诱发电位(ABR)和前庭诱发电位(VsEPs)监测庆大霉素耳毒性。

    Objective To assess ototoxicity of gentamicin by the vestibular evoked potentials ( VsEPs ) and auditory brainstem response ( ABR ) .

  16. 氨基甙类抗生素(AmAn)是一类有效抗革兰阴性菌抗生素,但由于耳毒性和肾毒性,临床应用受到限制。

    Aminoglycoside antibiotics ( AmAn ) are effective drugs in therapy against gram-negative infections , but the ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity limit their use in clinic .

  17. 目的观察常规剂量硫酸丁胺卡那霉素(阿米卡星,amikacin,AMK)对新生儿的耳毒性作用并探讨其与血药浓度的关系。

    Objective To study the ototoxicity of routine dose amikacin in newborn infants and the relationship with amikacin blood concentration and to provide a possible rule for safely using amikacin in neonates .

  18. 目的和方法:本实验用耳廓反射(PR)、脑干听觉诱发电位(BAEP)、组织化学方法,观察电针疗法对豚鼠庆大霉素(GE)耳毒性的防治作用,并探讨其机制。

    Aim and Methods : Preventive effect of electroacupuncture on ototoxicity induced by gentamycin ( GE ) was observed with Preyer 's reflex ( PR ), brainstem auditory evoked potential ( BAEP ) and histochemistry method in guinea pigs and its mechanism was explored .

  19. 某些自由基清除剂和铁螯合剂可以拮抗或减轻豚鼠氨基糖苷类抗生素耳毒性作用,并且有望应用于临床,从而拓宽了AmAn抗感染的适用范围。

    However , some kinds of radical scavengers and iron chelators can prevent or attenuate aminoglycoside antibiotic induced deafness , which seems possible to diminish toxicity of AmAn and greatly expand application of AmAn .

  20. 有的学者认为耳蜗内的第二信使与AmAn耳毒性有关,也有人认为葡萄糖转运及其代谢障碍导致了耳毒性发生,或认为耳蜗内自由基毒性反应引起了脂质过氧化,最终导致耳毒性。

    Some scholars believe that the second messenger in the cochlea links to the AmAn ototoxicity , but some argue that glucose transport and its dysmetabolism leads to ototoxicity , or that the adverse reaction of free radical in the cochlea brings lipid peroxidation and finally results in ototoxicity .

  21. 目的:探讨水杨酸钠耳毒性的发生机制。

    Objective : To further understand the mechanism of salicylate ototoxicity .

  22. 川芎嗪拮抗链霉素耳毒性作用及其离子通道机制

    Reduction of Streptomycin Ototoxicity by Tetramethylpyrazine and its Ionic Channel Mechanism

  23. 聚DL-天冬氨酸对庆大霉素耳毒性拮抗作用的实验研究

    Protective effect of poly DL aspartic acid on ototoxicity of gentamicin

  24. 注意耳毒性出现的早期征兆。

    Always be aware of the early warning signs of ototoxicity .

  25. 小剂量甲状腺素预防卡那霉素耳毒性的实验研究

    Experimental study of the prophylactic effect of thyroxin against kanamycin ototoxicity

  26. 结论:①链霉素致耳毒性存在个体差异。

    CONCLUSION ① Ototoxicity induced by streptomycin sulfate has individual difference .

  27. 声预处理对顺铂所致豚鼠耳毒性的保护作用的实验研究

    The Protective Effect of Sound Conditioning Against Cisplatin-induced Ototoxicity in Guinea Pigs

  28. 耳毒性药物致聋机理现状

    Overview on Mechanism of Drug - induced Sensorineural Hearing Loss

  29. 丁胺卡那霉素治疗剂量在新生豚鼠的耳毒性研究

    The Ototoxicity of Amikacin With Therapeutic Doses on Neonatal Guinea-pigs

  30. 目的探讨青霉素在铁缺乏条件下的耳毒性作用。

    Objective To Study the possibility of conditional ototoxic effect of penicillin .