
  1. 《猎鹰与冬兵》的最后一集也一样。

    Marvel and The Winter Soldier " was no different .

  2. 《猎鹰与冬兵》这部剧获得了相当不错的口碑和影迷反响,拿下五项艾美奖提名,塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦在剧中饰演冬日战士布坎南·巴恩斯。

    Falcon and the Winter Soldier , which also stars Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes , the Winter Soldier , has earned strong critical and fan reaction . It is nominated for five Emmys .

  3. 在迪士尼流媒体平台上播放的《猎鹰与冬兵》中,威尔逊对于自己身为美国黑人担任美国队长一职感到很矛盾。

    The Disney + show followed how Wilson became conflicted about assuming the Captain America role as a Black man in America .

  4. 《好莱坞报道》证实,《猎鹰与冬兵》的主演安东尼·麦凯已被选中出演迪士尼漫威电影《美国队长4》。

    The Falcon and the Winter Soldier star Anthony Mackie has been tapped to star in Disney / Marvel 's Captain America 4 , The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed .

  5. 新海报和名字变动证实了先前一篇报道中所说的《猎鹰与冬兵》的制作人和首席编剧马尔科姆·斯佩尔曼正在为麦凯主演的第四部《美国队长》电影编写剧本。

    The new poster , and the title change , gives weight to a report that series creator and head writer Malcolm Spellman is writing a fourth " Captain America " film with Mackie 's Wilson in the title role .

  6. 漫威影迷们知道,一部电影或电视剧片尾字幕放完后再等一会儿就能看到跟漫威续集有关的情节线索。《猎鹰与冬兵》的最后一集也一样。

    Marvel movie fans know hanging around after a film or show 's end credits usually rewards them with hints of things to come in the MCU , and the finale of " The Falcon and The Winter Soldier " was no different .