
  • 网络The Hunters
  1. 猎人们拖着沉重的步子行走在飞雪中。

    The hunters tramped through the falling snow .

  2. 猎人们向在挣扎中的野猪靠拢。

    The hunters were closing in on the struggling wild boar .

  3. 猎人们悄悄地追捕那头鹿。

    Huntsmen chased the deer silently .

  4. 猎人们疾驶,追捕那只狐狸。

    The huntsmen rode fast , chasing after the fox .

  5. 猎人们在山顶附近设营。

    The hunters camped near the top of the mountain .

  6. 猎人们打下了许多鸟。

    The hunters got down a number of birds .

  7. n.野兽的巢穴猎人们循着老虎的足迹前进,最后他们在它的巢穴中找到了它。

    lair The hunters traced the footmarks of a tiger and at last they found him in his lair .

  8. 谁能告诉我这些猎人们在猎杀什么动物吗?

    Can anyone tell me what these elegant gentlemen are hunting ?

  9. 如果他们捉住一只大熊猫,猎人们将会做些什么?

    What will hunters do if they catch a giant panda ?

  10. 猎人们在密林深处宿营。

    The hunters camped in the midst of the thick forest .

  11. 猎人们把箭放在箭囊中。

    Hunters keep the arrows for their bow in their quiver .

  12. 在这个故事中,狡猾的狐狸智取了猎人们。

    In the story , the cunning fox outsmarts the hunters .

  13. 猎人们乘火车到来时巴拉克·艾尔克年仅6岁

    Black Elk is 6 years old when the railroad arrives .

  14. 比方说,我的猎人们有个节日。

    There is a rite , for example , among my hunters .

  15. 猎人们纵马跃过所有的那些障碍。

    The hunters leaped their horses over all the obstacles .

  16. 猎人们用树枝把自己伪装起来,从而与树木混为一体。

    The hunters camouflaged themselves with branches to blend themselves with trees .

  17. 所有的猎人们都不妨相互杀害,吞噬。

    All the hunters could kill and eat one another .

  18. 猎人们猎杀老虎是为了他们的皮毛和骨头。

    Hunters hunt the tigers for their fur and bones .

  19. 猎人们起初会吃的不错,然后就会挨饿。

    Hunters will at first eat well , then starve .

  20. 下面的文章是我大概3个月之前为我公会的猎人们写的。

    I did the following write-up for the Hunters in my guild .

  21. 猎人们在雪地里踩出一条路来。

    The hunters beat out a path through the snow .

  22. 它们的一身光顺完好的毛皮,是海豹猎人们的首要目标。

    Their sleek , unmarred pelts are prime quarry for seal hunters .

  23. 猎人们须有向导带他们通过丛林。

    The hunters needed a guide for their passage through the jungle .

  24. 野猪冲破了猎人们的前进行列。

    The boar burst the advancing line of hunters .

  25. 猎人们开始把老虎围起来。

    The hunters began to circle round the tiger .

  26. 猎人们慢慢地瞄准,然后&喀嚓。

    The hunters slowly take aim and – click .

  27. 猎人们将他们杀死的鹿剥了皮。

    The hunters skinned the deer they had killed .

  28. 猎人们将这只贪婪的野兽从窝里赶出来。

    The hunters drove this rapacious beast from his den into the open .

  29. 猎人们开枪撂倒了两头鹿。两只雄鹿把角叉到一起了。

    The hunters got down two deer The two stags interlocked their horns .

  30. 天黑时,猎人们在湖边宿营。

    The hunters camped by the lake at dark .