
  • 网络New York Story;Newyork story
  1. 第二小时将播出大结局。CW台还将在当晚放出《欲望都市》(SexandtheCity)前传《凯丽日记》(TheCarrieDiaries)独家片段。这个同样发生在纽约的故事也和《八卦天后》一样充满时尚元素。

    Appropriately fans of Manhattan 's elite will also be treated to an exclusive sneak peek at the another fashion-heavy , New York-based series , the Sex and the City prequel The Carrie Diaries .

  2. 事实,或接近事实,在纽约成为故事。

    Facts , or near facts , in New York become stories .

  3. 后者的故事背景也被设定在纽约,故事也是围绕四位女性的友情展开。

    One also set in New York , also revolving around the friendship of four women .

  4. 美国现代版福尔摩斯剧集《基本演绎法》在美国哥伦比亚广播公司播出,讲述的是福尔摩斯戒毒后搬到纽约的故事。

    American modern adaptation of Elementary , aired on US network CBS , depicts Holmes as a recovering drug addict who has moved to New York City .

  5. 另外一家出版基督教畅销小说的是著名的私营出版商蓝登书屋,它旗下的百老汇出版公司将在7月份发行新书《艾米丽的新天地》,该书讲述了一个乡下女孩来到纽约的故事。

    Another publisher offering Christian chick lit is privately held Random House whose Broadway imprint will release " Emily Ever After " in July , the story of a country girl coming to New York .

  6. 没有了原著的支撑,华纳兄弟公司要推销这些新电影恐怕不会像以前那么简单。该片背景将设置在纽约,故事发生的年代比哈利波特进入霍格沃茨学校早了70年前,因此哈利和朋友们根本不会出现在新电影中。

    Without books to support the new stories , the upcoming movies could be a tougher sell for Warner Bros. Harry and friends won 't appear at all in the new movies which will be set in New York 70 years before Harry Potter heads to Hogwarts .

  7. 我把这与锡纸,以及纽约是报的故事展示给Kathy,我也将发给你看。

    I showed this to Kathy , together with the tin foil and NY Times story which I will send you .

  8. 崔茜卡刚去看了部伍迪?艾伦的新作,讲的是在纽约神经衰弱的故事。

    Tricia had just been to see Woody Allen 's new movie which was all about the angst of being neurotic in New York .

  9. 而我当然明白设在纽约的回报的故事,作为一个整齐三分之一的行为系列,我宁愿看到一个自旋小康以下的冒险企鹅。

    While I certainly understand the New York return story being a neat third act of the series , I 'd much rather see a spin-off following the adventures of the penguins .