
cāi xiǎng
  • guess;conjecture;suppose;suspect;think;hypothesis;perhaps;guesswork
猜想 [cāi xiǎng]
  • [guess;conjecture;suspect]∶猜测;猜度

  • 她猜想他今日来

  • 我们从来没有猜想到是这种病,因为当时的病状顶多不过是比较厉害的头痛

猜想[cāi xiǎng]
  1. 我猜想她又到商店去了。

    I suppose she 's gone shopping again .

  2. 我的公司使用的是Zimbra邮件套件,它模仿的是MicrosoftOutlook,我猜想其中的原因一定是觉得看起来像桌面应用程序就会感觉上也像桌面应用程序。

    My company uses the Zimbra mail suite , and it is modeled to look like Microsoft Outlook , with ( I suppose ) the impetus that looking like a desktop app will make it feel like one .

  3. 我猜想这工作大概需要两天左右的时间吧。

    I would imagine the job will take about two days .

  4. 我们猜想不出来你到哪里去了。

    We couldn 't think where you 'd gone .

  5. 他总是胡乱猜想我们在背后说他的闲话。

    He 's always imagining we 're talking about him behind his back .

  6. 我猜想这本书会引起大家最广泛的兴趣。

    I suspect this book will have the widest appeal of all

  7. 她猜想他正在尽力掩饰笑容。

    She fancied he was trying to hide a smile .

  8. 我猜想每个人都会不时地琢磨一些事情。

    I guess everyone broods over things once in a while

  9. 我猜想她一个人过肯定很孤独。

    I would imagine she 's quite lonely living on her own .

  10. 我猜想他对我的缺席并没有感到很不高兴。

    I suspect he isn 't altogether unhappy about my absence

  11. 人们猜想他不会再打拳了。

    One suspects he will be finished with boxing .

  12. 我猜想她要被调走了。

    I suspect that she is going to be transferred

  13. 批评家猜想他走红的时间不会长了,因为观众现在厌倦了他的表演。

    Critics believe his days are numbered because audiences are tired of watching him .

  14. 根据我的了解,我猜想这是他曾开过的车子。

    Putting two and two together , I assume that this was the car he used .

  15. 不要凭猜想回答,把这道题算出来。

    Don 't answer by guess , work the problem out .

  16. 我猜想他病了。

    I supsect he is ill .

  17. 尽管你聪明,我还是猜想你会失败。

    Intelligent as you are , I suspect you will fail .

  18. 我原猜想你是个身材高大的人。

    I had imagined you as a big tall man .

  19. 你这种猜想不一定正确。

    Your guess might be wrong .

  20. 十多年以来,天文学家们一直在猜想,超新星激波可以充当巨型粒子加速器。

    Astronomers have suspected for more than a decade that supernova shock waves can act like giant particle accelerators .

  21. 如果你猜想现在工作比几十年前压力大,这种想法一点没错。

    And if you suspected that the workplace had gotten more stressful than it was just a few decades ago , you 're right .

  22. 这让她猜想人类是否也会做同样的事。

    This led her to wonder if people might be doing the same thing .

  23. 就在我煎熬于一周的焦虑、绞尽脑汁地思考材料以及猜想我掌握了多少时,我在学生和教授中做了一些调查。

    As I was suffering through my week of anxiety , overthinking the material and guessing my grasp of it , I did some of my own polling among students and professors .

  24. 他不象大家猜想的那样笨。

    He is not an ass as they make him .

  25. 她觉得猜想他的动机是没有用的。

    She felt it no use to conjecture his motives .

  26. 我猜想那件事他全都知道了。

    I suspect him to know everything about that .

  27. 但他自己猜想:

    But he said to himself , nevertheless :

  28. 我猜想她40岁了。

    I guess that she is 40 .

  29. 看他们的脸色,我猜想他们之间发生了争执。

    From the looks on their faces , I surmised that they had had an argument .

  30. 需要更深入的研究来排除这些坑洞有其他用途的猜想。

    Further study is needed to rule out any other speculation as to the pits usage .