
  • 网络animal psychology;animal
  1. 动物心理学教授和行为科学家则截然不同。

    Professors of animal psychology and behavioral scientists are a very different story .

  2. 有关动物行为的心理学分支。

    The branch of psychology concerned with the behavior of animals .

  3. 如今,我们有可能对动物精神的心理学支柱有一个更为清晰的认识。

    Much more clarity about the psychological underpinnings of animal spirits is possible today .

  4. 对于手和手势的表现我们须站在解剖学、动物学、心理学和符号学的角度来进行重新的审视。

    For the performance of hand and gestures we need to survey over again standing in anatomy , zoology , psychology and semeiology .

  5. “记住,这些猫训练它们的主人,”研究作者卡伦麦库姆,一位苏赛克斯大学动物发声通讯心理学专家。

    " Remember , these cats have years to train up their owners ," said study author Karen McComb , a specialist in animal vocal communication in the department of psychology at the University of Sussex .

  6. 文章首先简要评说了早期行为经济学的动物实验和认知心理学,认为人的选择行为是理性和非理性的同构;

    First this thesis comments briefly animal experiments in early behavior economics and perceive psychics , and deems that human choice behaviors are the isomorphism of rationality and irrationality ;