
  • 网络GIF;dynamic image;cinemagraph
  1. 当一组特定的静态图像,例如几何图形,以指定的频率切换,便会产生某种动态图片的效果。

    When a number of certain static images , such as geometric figures , for example , interchange with a specified frequency , it creates something like a motion picture effect .

  2. CNN.com的主页包含了53张静态图片、39张动态图片、3个Flash文件、来自7个不同域名的30个JavaScript文件、29个HTML文件以及7个CSS文件。

    Com home page with its 53 static images , 39 dynamic images , 3 flash files , 30 JavaScript files from 7 different domains , 29 HTML files and 7 CSS files .

  3. Kik已经提供了一些新功能,比如发送包含GIF图片的信息,这种动态图片如今在网络上随处可见。

    Already , the company has introduced new offerings like messages built on GIFs , the increasingly prolific animated images that now litter the Web .

  4. BIRT支持获取URI中的图片以及嵌入在设计器中的图片,来自数据源的动态图片(BLOB)以及文件夹中的图片文件。

    BIRT supports retrieving images from a URI , embedding the image in the design , dynamic images ( BLOB ) from a data source , and image files in a resource folder .

  5. 使用Dreamweaver设计网页,利用Flash技术制作动态图片和文字效果,使得网页生动,同时采用Photoshop进行图像处理使得网站具有更好的视觉冲击力。

    Dreamweaver is used to make webpages , Flash is used to design cartoons in order to make the webpages more vivid , and Photoshop is adopted to deal with pictures and make website have better visual effect .

  6. 无限更新的传情动漫和动态图片让你天天与众不同,更有预览功能让你选择中意的动漫。

    Unlimited updates of winks and moods make you SPECIAL everyday .

  7. 主题实例中使用自定义动态图片作为进度条,因此它可以再次被使用。

    The included example theme uses custom animation for the progress bar , so once again it can be used as an example .

  8. 它可以通过平面图和图形显示界面提供动态图片到监控报警器,继电器,防盗门来达到报警确认。

    It offers dynamic mapping to monitor alarms , relays , doors , and alarm acknowledgements through a floor plan and graphic map interface .

  9. 有少量研究虽然采用动态图片,但表达的内容多定格为同一面部表情中。

    Although the small number of studies using dynamic picture , but the content of the expression of multiple freeze for the same facial expressions .

  10. 针对电子技术课程中大量的电子电路图,提出将图片文件的URL保存在数据库中然后动态显示图片的处理方法,并给出了部分关键代码。

    Also , it gives the method on processing many electronic circuit diagrams and the key technology .

  11. 但正如您将在本文中看到的那样,还可以使用Ming库用几乎与动态创建图片相同的方法来动态构建.swf文件,并在Web服务器上绘制图形。

    But as you 'll see in this article , you can also use the Ming library to build a.swf file dynamically in much the same way as you create an image dynamically to do graphing on your Web server .

  12. GIPHY是一个在线动态GIF图片搜索引擎。最近,平台正在做一个GIPHY电影节,让电影制作人挑战一个18秒或更短的电影。

    GIPHY , the major GIF search engine , is throwing the very first GIPHY Film Fest for filmmakers up to the challenge of creating 18 seconds or less short films .

  13. 这个站点也支持根据不同的访问者而动态改变图片的标题。

    The site also supports dynamic captioning of photos by visitors .

  14. 利用Ajax技术动态获取上传图片信息

    Obtaining Information about the Uploaded Images Using Ajax Technology

  15. 然而,如果说眩目的变换真得大大改善了用户体验的话,那么动态的gif图片应该受到更广泛的应用才是。

    However , if it were true that glitzy effects dramatically improved the user experience then we would see a wider use of the animated gifs .

  16. 这些新的、更富于动态的脑部图片令心理学变得更加重要,因为神经学研究者只能通过控制分类方法和关注点来解释复杂的脑部活动机制。

    The new , more dynamic picture of the brain makes psychology even more crucial . The researchers could only explain the very complex pattern of brain activity by relating it to what they knew about categorization and attention .

  17. 当重叠时呈现出明暗对比强烈的颜色的三维结构的动态或静止的图片。

    Moving or still pictures in contrasting colors that appear three-dimensional when superimposed .

  18. 在此方法中,我与动态创建一个图片框形式,加载到它的形象。

    In this method , I dynamically created a form with a picture box and loaded the image into it .

  19. 同时,在纺纱过程中用高速摄像机拍摄不同偏移量下的动态纺纱三角区图片。

    At the same time , pictures of the dynamic spinning triangle with different offset were captured by a high-speed camera in the spinning process .