
  • 网络auto marketing
  1. 我国汽车营销中电子商务的发展及对策研究

    Development of Auto Marketing E-Commerce in China and Its Countermeasures

  2. 试以2006年世界杯为例论中国汽车营销的阶段特性

    Discussing Stage 's Characteristics of China Auto Marketing Development by Way of Example of " World Cup 2006 "

  3. 应对WTO后过渡期及未来的汽车营销策略

    The Automobile Marketing Strategy in China at the late of WTO interim and in the future

  4. CRM在汽车营销企业中的开发与应用

    Development and Application of CRM in Automobile Marketing Enterprises

  5. 本论文以服务营销理论为基础,在从宏观环境、微观环境及WTO的影响等方面对汽车营销环境进行了分析后,指出了汽车服务营销的必要性。

    This thesis points out the necessary of automobile service marketing , which based on the service marketing theory , and analyze the automobile marketing environment from microcosmic , macroscopic and WTO .

  6. 发达国家汽车营销方式与体系已由传统的4P因素转向了4C因素。

    The sale operation forms and systems in advanced countries have turned from traditional 4P factors to 4C factors .

  7. 因此汽车营销研究无论何时都将是一个重要议题。

    Automotive marketing research whenever the will is an important issue .

  8. 面向汽车营销的市场需求预测模型设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Market Demand Forecast Model for Automobile Marketing

  9. 中国汽车营销方式路在何方?

    Which way of China automobile sales mode should go ?

  10. 从车市现状谈汽车营销人才培养方向

    How to Train Automobile Marketing Talents From Present Situation of Automobile Market

  11. 汽车营销渠道绩效评价体系研究

    A Study on Performance Evaluation System of Automobile Marketing Channel

  12. 中国汽车营销模式及其发展对策

    Automobile Marketing Modes and Development Strategies in China

  13. 汽车营销体系改革之我见

    My Opinion on the Reform of Auto Business

  14. 互联网的汽车营销中日零部件贸易发展态势分析

    Automobiles Marketing Online An Analysis of Parts and Components Trade Between China and Japan

  15. 谈汽车营销新理念&电子商务

    On the New Idea of Automobile Sale-Electronic Business

  16. 中国汽车营销体系研究

    Study on the Automobile Marketing System in China

  17. 汽车营销渠道模式与通路管控

    Automobile Sales Channel Mode and Ac-cess Control

  18. 基于B/S结构的汽车营销服务管理系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation Based on B / S Structure of the Automotive Marketing Service Management System

  19. 三泰汽车营销管理系统

    Automobile Marketing Management System of SanTai

  20. 汽车营销是营销理念、营销组织和营销艺术的有机整体,其中营销理念是关键要素。

    Automobile marketing is an organic whole which means marketing concept , marketing organization and marketing art .

  21. 第二部分介绍了目前我国主要的几种汽车营销模式。

    The second part introduced several kinds of main marketing mode of automobile in our country at present .

  22. 汽车营销的市场策略研究对于品牌市场的发展及行业的发展具有现实意义。

    The automobile marketing strategy studies has great realistic significance to the brand market development and the industry development .

  23. 汽车营销模式的选择是汽车产业发展中的一个重要组成部分。

    The selection of automotive marketing modes is an important part in the development of auto indus - try .

  24. 时至今日,仍然缺乏汽车营销艺术的系统研究。

    Up till present , there is lack of systematic study of " marketing science of motor vehicles " .

  25. 基于平衡计分卡之汽车营销通路绩效改善策略及其实证研究&经销商之讨论观点十三城市经销商谈日系导航

    BSC Based Strategy for Improving Auto Channel Performance and Its Application 13 city sales on commission discusses Japan 's navigation

  26. 第五部分提出了发展适合我国国情的汽车营销模式的具体对策。

    The fifth part put forward the suitable national conditions of our country concrete countermeasure of the automobile marketing mode .

  27. 第三部分从营销理念、营销技术、营销组织三个方面就如何设计汽车营销模式进行了理论上的研究。

    The third part discuss the theory of how to design automobile marketing mode from marketing theory , marketing organize , marketing technology .

  28. 文章在分析2003年中国国内汽车营销现状的基础上,提出了汽车营销人才应该具备的能力。

    By analyzing the situation of the automobile market in 2003 , this paper introduces the abilities the automobile marketing talents should acquire .

  29. 在汽车营销领域,一场争论正在如火如荼地进行当中,简而言之就是:车型数量与档次之争。

    When it comes to marketing cars , there is an emerging debate that can most succinctly be described as mass vs. class .

  30. 汽车营销渠道是沟通汽车制造商与消费者之间的桥梁,是汽车工业的重要组成部分。

    The car marketing channel is to link up the bridge between automaker and consumer , it is the important component of the auto industry .