
zhū wěi ba
  • Pig tail;pigtail
猪尾巴[zhū wěi ba]
  1. 方法:选用cordis公司生产的6F动脉鞘及5F猪尾巴导管,30例患者在超声心动图下定位穿刺点、穿刺方向及深度,行心包引流。

    Methods : Select 6F artery catheter and 5F pigtail catheter that cordis company produce for use pericardial drainage . 30 patients with pericardial effusion under the guide of echocardiograph were confirmed the site , direction and depth .

  2. 方法:对32例脾破裂I-II级伴腹腔积血患者常规于左下腹麦氏点经皮穿刺置美国COOK公司生产的8F猪尾巴多孔引流管,引流腹腔积血。

    Methods 32 patients of spleen rupture in I-II grade were placed the 8F " pigtail " multi-hole tube , made in COOK company of the United States , at the left down abdomen Mc Burney 's point to drain hematocelia . Their hemodynamic and drainage were closely observed .

  3. 这男孩束个猪尾巴很可爱。

    The boy is very lovely to have a pigtail .

  4. 屠夫抓住猪尾巴时,猪说什么?

    What did the pig say when the butcher took hold of his tail ?

  5. 幸福在你的猪尾巴上。

    It 's on your tail .

  6. 猪尾巴切断,出生时和拔牙,我吃惊地看到了。

    Pigs have their tails cut off at birth and pulling teeth , I was shocked to see that .

  7. 当他把后背转过来时,哈利看见一条猪尾巴从他裤子里钻了出来。

    When he turned his back on them , Harry saw a curly pig 's tail poking through a hole in his trousers .

  8. 我在一些地方做了小修改,你可以看出来,比如,移动了蝴蝶,这样她可以更容易地看着它,并且把她头上左边的猪尾巴提高一些。

    I did a little fixing here and there as you see moving the butterfly for instance so she could more easily see it and raising her left pigtail higher on her head .

  9. 英国已经向中国大量出口鸡爪和鸡心,现在,“第五部位”——英国人餐桌上所摒弃的猪尾巴、猪耳朵和猪的其他部位——的出口将为此锦上添花。

    Sales of the " fifth quarter " - tails , ears and other parts spurned by British diners - would build on a healthy trade in chicken feet and hearts already sold to China .

  10. 安妮:光是追上还不行,还得揪住猪的尾巴把它拖到一个预定的地点。

    Annie : It is not all right just catching the pig . He has to hold tight the pig 's tail and drag it to the appointed place .

  11. 猪有卷曲的尾巴,发出咕噜的叫声。

    Pigs have curly tails and make a grunting noise .

  12. 猪有短短的尾巴。

    Pigs have short tails .

  13. 你就威胁他给他变一副猪耳朵配他的尾巴。

    gives you any grief you could always threaten him with a nice pair of ears to go with that tail of his .

  14. 豕字的左半部分象征着猪的肚子和蹄子,右半部分则象征猪的后背及尾巴。

    On the left are the belly and paws and on the right the back and tail .