
  1. 其中一项撤出工作是拆卸履带式流动起重机上的猪笼吊臂。

    One of the retreating jobs was to dismantle the lattice jib of a crawler mounted mobile crane .

  2. 为拆卸履带式流动起重机上的猪笼吊臂而制订一套安全工作制度,并加以采用。

    A safe system of work shall be devised and adopted for dismantling lattice jib of the crawler mounted mobile crane .

  3. 每当拆除猪笼吊臂时,应该在猪笼吊臂的每个接驳点提供适当的承托物。

    Suitable supporting blockings should be provided under every joint of the lattice jib whenever lattice jib is to be dismantled .

  4. 星仔试图在一个叫“猪笼城寨”的地方对居民敲诈,却不知道他们个个身怀绝技。

    Sing attempts to extort money from one of the ordinary locals , but the neighbors are not what they appear .

  5. 意外发生时,五名工人正拆卸履带式流动起重机上的猪笼吊臂。

    At the time of accident , five workers were engaged to dismantle the lattice jib of the crawler mounted mobile crane .

  6. 该猪笼吊臂由五个部分组成,各部分由四颗连接钉在四个角落连结一起。

    The lattice jib consisted of five sections and each section was connected together by four retaining pins at the four corners .

  7. 为了拆卸猪笼吊臂,首先要将吊臂降低至差不多到水平位置,而第三部分猪笼吊臂承放于两个金属桶上。

    In order to dismantle the lattice jib , the jib was first lowered almost horizontal with the3rd section resting on two metal barrels .

  8. 所有从事拆卸猪笼吊臂的工人,应获提供一切所需资料、指示、训练及监督,以便他们能够安全地展开工作。

    All workers engaged in dismantling of lattice jib should be provided with all the necessary information , instruction , training and supervision to enable them to perform the work safety .