
xuán jī
  • Mystery;a profound theory;(of Taoists) profound theory;occult;mysterious principles
玄机 [xuán jī]
  • (1) [(of Taoists) profound theory]∶佛家、道家称奥妙的道理

  • (2) [mysterious principles]∶神妙的机宜

  • 不露玄机

玄机[xuán jī]
  1. 但泰国摄影师冲蒲·巴里顿(ChompooBaritone)却创作了一系列照片,向我们解释了Instagram的方形相框之外的玄机。

    But Thai photographer , Chompoo Baritone has created a photo series to reveal what really goes on outside of Instagram 's square frame .

  2. 寒凉派的创始人刘完素,钻研《内经》35a,大有开悟,著《素问玄机原病式》,尤其对病机十九条中火热病机,将原有的14项,推衍扩大为57条。

    LIU Wan-su who was the founder of cold and cool clique studied " Neijing " intensively for 35 years and comprehended it well . He wrote " Suwen-Xuanji-yuanbingshi " in which 14 items of fire-heat pathogenesis , one of 19 item-pathogenesis , were expanded to 57 items .

  3. 只取得一个元素为探索文档开启了玄机。

    Getting just one element opens strategies for exploring the document .

  4. 从现在开始,你已经不是玄机使。

    From now on , you are not Xuanji officer anymore .

  5. 第三部分:苹果合法偷逃数十亿美元税收的玄机

    Part 3 : how Apple sidesteps billions in global taxes

  6. 揭秘!东京奥运会开幕式上中国代表团的礼服藏着这些“玄机”

    Behind the uniform design for Chinese athletes at Tokyo Olympics

  7. 英国玄学派诗歌与中国玄言诗的不同玄机

    Different Essence of English Metaphysics Poetry and Chinese Xuan Poetry

  8. 我洞穿着你的心事,你在参透着我的玄机。

    I wear your mind hole , you understood what my mystery .

  9. 进进出出之间,玄关的安排自蕴玄机。

    Between in and out , the arrangement of porch from accumulate mystery .

  10. 这些辉煌战绩在一定程度上解读了英国体育东山再起的玄机。

    Their success offers some clues to why Britain has staged such a comeback .

  11. 单是一份确立买卖关系的合同就暗藏许多玄机。

    There are many mysteries concealed in just a contract which determined transaction relationship .

  12. 幸运的猜测,还是另有玄机?

    Lucky guesses , or something more ?

  13. 巫师的咒语总是暗藏玄机

    Witches are crafty with their spells .

  14. 一切玄机尽在小小手腕。

    It 's all in the wrist .

  15. 员工满意度调查之玄机

    The Mystery of Employee Satisfaction Survey

  16. 科学在这里有”玄机“,简而言之,基因不是命运。

    The science can get tricky here , but the simple answer is that genes aren 't destiny .

  17. 不过,在可怜的红色的机器人不知情的情况下,黑色机器人暗藏玄机。

    However , unbeknownst to the poor red seeker , the black robot had a trick up its sleeve .

  18. 五运六气学说是《素问玄机原病式》中的重要内容,“六气皆从火化”、“五志过极皆为热甚”是其主要论点。

    The theory of the five evolutive phases and six climatic factors is important content in etiology based on plain questions .

  19. 名字中蕴藏着什么玄机呢?如果最近的研究数据值得参考的话,名字的意义会比你想象的大得多。

    What 's in a name ? Well a lot more than you would think if recent statistics are anything to go by .

  20. 这个专门为小朋友设计的太阳帽内有玄机。

    This unusual cap for children has a special design ; it combines the functions of cap , electric fan and sunglasses together .

  21. 汤普森的接任可谓众望所归,但我们还是禁不住怀疑,麦当劳7月份的权力交接是否另有玄机?

    Thompson was widely-expected to take over but we are left wondering if there is any reason for the change taking place in July .

  22. 方寸之地,玄关也是一道关隘。进进出出之间,玄关的安排自蕴玄机。

    The ground of heart , porch also is a pass . Between in and out , the arrangement of porch from accumulate mystery .

  23. 不过他还是觉得,如果微软能公开源代码,让别人看清楚程序背后的玄机,微软人的日子可能会好过些。

    Still , he thinks Microsoft folks would be better off if , in open-source fashion , they let others see under the hood .

  24. 每次带游客来到这里,小颜都会故弄玄机,指着两条过道问游客有何不同之处。

    Each time he takes tourists there , Xiao Yan plays a little trick , pointing at two passages and asking them what is the difference .

  25. 这恐怕就是,无论德国人对现状如何不满,柏林墙却再无人为之辩护的玄机所在吧。

    No matter how unsatisfied Germans are with the present situation , no one will ever use this pretense to defend the Berlin Wall ever again .

  26. 对于理财服务的提供者来说,有些想法会是一剂苦药,但似乎显而易见的是,谁能够破解玄机,谁就能获得重大的机遇。

    Some of the ideas will be a bitter pill for wealth management providers , but it seems obvious great opportunity exists for whoever cracks the code .

  27. 监考人员称,他们是在大学考试快要开考的时候,才发现这名高中生衣服里的玄机的。

    It wasn 't too long before they noticed the high school pupil fiddling inside his clothing before the university entrance exam started , reports have claimed .

  28. “金狮”吉利钱用防酸的透明聚合物保护套封起来,贴在一个装饰精美的折叠卡片上。卡片上的图案处处透着中国命理学的玄机。

    The " Lucky Lion " is attractively presented in a decorative folder capturing the significance of Chinese numerology and is encased in a protective , clear , acid-free polymer sleeve .

  29. 抓住了这一线索,也唯有抓住了这一线索,才能在文本解读中真正理解并诠释出存在的秘密与玄机,从而把握文学文本的深层含意和文学批评的审美本质。

    Only by grasping this clue can the reader obtain a genuine understanding of the secret of human existence , the implicative of the literary text and the aesthetic essence of literary criticism .

  30. 但是有些通灵者却在这样做:用所谓的“读心术”来欺骗愚弄顾客,然而事实上这其中的玄机无非就是由你的出生图轻松获知的。

    But some psychics do just that : fooling clients into paying for " psychic readings ," when in fact , the " secret " information is revealed plainly in your birth chart .