
Wang Xingwei is no longer the artistic youth that was known for wearing hand-knitted woollen trousers .
Domestic scenes and personal fantasies in Wang Xingwei 's paintings fed into such a fascination and were thus appealing to many .
It seems that the artist is forever driven subconsciously by a longing for a kind of classic and timeless quality in his work .
The Indoor Views space will investigate the continuous evolution and progression of the artist 's Old Lady series , which consists of a number of very similar works .
In2002 , Wang Xingwei relocated to the southern city of Shanghai , deliberately placing himself into a completely different cityscape with an equally foreign dialect and life style unfamiliar to him .
While geographically removed from the epic centres of all these movements , which tended to erupt in major coastal and inland cities , Wang Xingwei wasn 't immune to their influences .