
  • Wang Baoqiang;【人名】Baoqiang Wang
  1. 王宝,由王宝强扮演,一定程度上就是普通中国人的代表,笨笨的,常被嘲笑,到哪儿都要比个V字照张相,连旅馆的椅子都不放过。

    Wang , played by Wang Baoqiang , is something of a Chinese everyman , silly and easily mocked , wanting to photograph himself flashing a peace sign in front of everything , including the hotel chairs .

  2. 王宝强招牌式的淳朴笑容从来没有变过。

    Wang Baoqiang 's signature innocent smile never changes .

  3. 马蓉反击称王宝强抛弃家庭。

    Ma has hit back at Wang , accusing him of abandoning their family .

  4. 王宝强现在成了一线明星。

    Wang Baoqiang is an A-lister now .

  5. 王宝强称他的妻子转移并藏匿了部分夫妻双方共同财产。

    Wang has alleged that his wife transferred and hid some of the couple 's assets .

  6. 演员徐铮、王宝强和黄渤是该影片的主要演员。

    Actor Xu Zheng plays one of the leading roles along with Wang Baoqiang and Huang Bo .

  7. 她还扬言要起诉王宝强损其名誉,要求他删除微博。

    She also threatened to sue Wang for damaging her reputation , insisting that he delete his post .

  8. 王宝强和马蓉是在2009年结的婚,育有一个女儿和一个儿子。

    Wang Baoqiang and Ma Rong were married in 2009 , and have a daughter and a son .

  9. 据新浪微博数据显示,带有#王宝强离婚#这一标签的帖子已经有超过50亿次的浏览量了。

    According to microblog Sina Weibo , Posts with the hashtag \# WangBaoQiangDivorce have been viewed over 5000000000 times .

  10. 据新浪微博数据显示,带有#王宝强离婚这一标签的帖子已经有超过50亿次的浏览量。

    According to microblog Sina Weibo , posts with the hashtag \# WangBaoQiangDivorce have been viewed over five billion times .

  11. 王宝强因出演冯小刚导演于2004年拍摄的电影《天下无贼》中的傻根一角,从而一举成名。

    Wang gained popularity for his appearance as Shagen in Feng Xiaogang 's 2004 film " A World Without Thieves . "

  12. 上周日,王宝强在网上宣布与妻子马蓉离婚,并解雇他的经纪人宋喆。

    Wang Baoqiang announced online last Sunday that he was divorcing his wife , Ma Rong , and sacking his agent , Song Zhe .

  13. 王宝强周日网上宣布与其妻马蓉离婚、解雇经纪人宋喆。

    Wang Baoqiang announced online on Sunday that he was divorcing his wife , Ma Rong , and sacking his agent , Song Zhe .

  14. 这一话题已经激发起关于婚姻关系与离婚的激烈辩论,而王宝强的困境已经引起了许多人的共鸣。

    The topic has sparked a debate about relationships and divorce , and it seems Wang 's predicament has struck a chord with many .

  15. 中国网友们似乎都十分支持王宝强。在其离婚消息发布之后,类似#王宝强不哭、#王宝强我们支持你等标签在网上迅速流传开来。

    Chinese netizens seem to have rallied around Wang , with topics like \# WangDontCry \# WangWeSupportYou , quickly trending after news of the divorce spread .

  16. 在周日凌晨发布的这篇微博中,王宝强表示,他已经解雇了经纪人宋喆,并谴责宋喆破坏了他的婚姻。

    In the posting in the wee hours of Sunday morning , Wang said he has fired his manager Song Zhe , accusing Song of breaking up his marriage .

  17. 日前,中国演员王宝强在其个人新浪微博上发布了一个令人吃惊的声明,称将会与妻子马蓉离婚,并指责马蓉与他的经纪人出轨。

    Chinese actor Wang Baoqiang has published a surprise announcement on his Weibo account saying he will divorce his wife Ma Rong and accused Ma of cheating on him with his manager .

  18. 随后在周日上午,马蓉在社交软件微信上指责王宝强抛弃家庭,并声称现在还不是说更多的时候。

    Later on Sunday morning , Ma accused Wang of abandoning his family and friends on the social media app Wechat , and Ma said it 's not the right time to say anything more .

  19. 宗教和政治狂热远离电影,使它能轻而易举地从头看到尾,主演是中国三大顶尖喜剧演员徐铮、黄渤和王宝强。

    Religious and political fanatics are absent from the movie , making it a breeze to sit through , and it stars three of China 's top comedians , Xu Zheng , Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang .

  20. 这件事引发了一场关于婚恋关系和离婚的讨论,而王宝强的困境似乎也引起了许多人的共鸣——从这次事件的浏览量就可以看出来,即便是以中国的标准来衡量,这样的浏览量也高得惊人。

    The topic has sparked a debate about relationships and divorce , and it seems Wang 's predicament has struck a chord with many - which could explain the number of views , which are high even by Chinese standards .

  21. 在前两部电影中,王宝强和刘昊然饰演的业余侦探组合在曼谷和纽约冒险之后,他们前往东京,试图解开一起谋杀案的谜团,这可以为他们赢得巨额奖金。

    Following their adventures in Bangkok and New York in the first two movies , the amateur detective duo portrayed by Wang Baoqiang and Liu Haoran travels to Tokyo as they try to solve a murder mystery , which could earn them a huge bonus . Hi , Mom !