
  1. 论郑玄、王肃对汉末儒学的改造与创新

    On the Confucian Innovation in the End of Han Dynasty : Zheng Xuan and Wang Su

  2. 王肃与傅玄分别是礼法思想的创立者和完善者。

    Wang Su was the founder of this school of thought and Fu Xuan perfected it .

  3. 从郑玄、王肃的丧期之争看经典与社会的互动

    Interaction Between the Classics and the Society Drawing from the Difference of ZHENG Xuan and WANG Su

  4. 就丧期而言,有郑玄、王肃的二十七月、二十五月之争。

    With regard to the question of mourning term , there are two views from ZHENG Xuan and WANG Su .

  5. 论汉末经学的反复:以郑玄、王肃为例

    On the Reiteration of the Study of Classics in the Late Han Dynasty : Taking Zheng Xuan and Wang Su as Examples

  6. 齐、梁时期,王肃、王褒先后入北,将南方的典章制度和文学艺术转输到北方,推动了南北文化融合的步伐。

    In the period of Southern Qi Dynasty and Liang Dynasty , Wang Su and Wang Bao bring southern classical institution , literature and art to north and push forward with the blend culture of north and south .