
  1. 刘熙《释名》是我国古代第一部系统探索语源的著作。

    ' Shiming ' is the first monograph about systematical etymological investment in ancient China .

  2. 论刘熙语言观及其与荀子约定俗成论的关系

    On Liu Xi 's Language View and Its Relation to " Yue Ding Su Cheng " Theory of Xun Zi

  3. 同时,刘熙通过归纳事物命名的理据类型,系统而深入地揭示了汉语语词的孳生规律。

    Besides he exposed systematically and thoroughly the multiplying rules of words by deducing the argumentative type of naming things .

  4. 本文主要从语源学的角度对汉代刘熙《释名》(以清人王先谦疏证本为依据)进行了考证研究。

    The treatise does textual research of " Shiming " ( based on the commentary of Wang Xian-qian of the Qing Dynasty ) by Liu Xi of the Han Dynasty from the angle of etymology .