
gǎo běn
  • manuscript;original text;manuscript copy
稿本 [gǎo běn]
  • [original text;manuscript copy] 著作的底稿;绘画临摹的范本

稿本[gǎo běn]
  1. 浅谈物理实验CAI课件稿本的编写

    A brief talk on the writing of manuscript of physical experiment CAI Courseware

  2. 本文介绍了编写物理实验CAI课件稿本的思想和方法。

    The method of writing the manuscript of physical experiment CAI courseware is presented .

  3. 这些新的布道稿本大部分是用书面梵语而不是方言记载的。

    Most of these new sermons were recorded in literary Sanskrit rather than in vernacular language .

  4. 编写电工与电子技术实验CAI课件稿本的体会

    The Understanding of Writing the Play Book for Electrotechnics and Electronics Experiment CAI Courseware

  5. 文章针对电工与电子技术实验CAI课件稿本,谈了编写思路与体会。

    This paper aimed at writing the play book of electrotechnics and electronics experiment CAI courseware , and introduced writing thoughts and amprehension .

  6. 从教案到MCAI课件稿本的创作方法

    A Writing Method of Script from Teaching Plan to MCAI Courseware INFORMAL ESSAY OF CREATION

  7. 稿本的编写是多媒体CAI软件系统设计与制作中首要的一环,这方面的研究还需要进一步加强。

    : The writing of script is the first and important link in the design and making of multimedia CAI software system , for which strengthening is still needed in the research .

  8. 本文记述了《动物分类》CAI课件的设计与开发,着重探讨了建构主义学习理论、Internet资源在课件设计中的应用以及CAI课件稿本的编写。

    Based on the examples , this article stated the design and development of CAI course software . It made an inquiry into application of constructivism theory , Internet natural resources , and passed on the method of scripts edition on CAI software .

  9. 第十一版是最后定稿本。

    The eleventh edition is the definitive edition .

  10. 试述电视文字稿本材料的选择

    Choice of Material in TV Manuscript

  11. 他珍藏着许多稿本。

    He treasures up many manuscripts .

  12. 稿本系统的研究

    A study of the manuscript system

  13. 我给他看了我那些稿本,它们代表了我多年的心血。

    I have pointed to him my own manuscript volumes which represent the toil of years .

  14. 多媒体《中国文学》课件的稿本编写包括文字稿本编写和制作脚本编写。

    The manuscript compilation of Chinese Literature teaching courseware includes manuscript compilation of text and software script .

  15. 请读这个文件稿本并尽可能详细地提意见。

    Please read this draft of a document and pass on it in as much detail as possible .

  16. 这幅图很可能是一幅壁画稿本,以繁复的细节描绘了一群道教神仙。

    Probably a sketch for a mural painting , it depicts a group of Taoist gods in intricate detail .

  17. 单行本数量多,最初基本上属于稿本或手抄本,但这些稿本现在均已亡佚。

    The number of separate edition is large and they initially are manuscripts , but these manuscripts have been lost .

  18. 《四书》修订稿本同时也是满文古籍文献研究、满语研究的重要对象之一。

    So it could be taken as one of the important objects in Manchu ancient books and Manchu language research .

  19. 《大典》稿本与清本在卷次、装帧册数上都可能有差异。

    The manuscript of it is of some difference with office copy in both the volume order and binding and laying out .

  20. 课件的制作过程如下:课件定题教学设计系统设计稿本编写数据准备课件编辑试用评价形成课件。

    The courseware making procedure as following : determine the subject of courseware-instruction design-system design-compile manuscript-prepare material-edit courseware-teaching trial and evaluation-form courseware .

  21. 脚本编写包括文字稿本的编写和制作脚本的编写:具体制作指网络课程的具体实现,包括素材的栗集,网页的形成,教学支撑平台的程序实现;

    Concrete making , is how to produce web course , involving collecting material , editing web page , teaching-assistance platform procedure realization .

  22. 安徽地方特色明显,刻本、套印本、活字本、稿本、写本、抄本等种类丰富,善本、孤本在全国占有一定地位。

    The ancient books obvious local characteristics , woodblock print , Taoyin Ben , movable , script , transcripts and other types are rich .

  23. 稿本的编写上要注意适合多媒体来表现,使主题明确,条理清晰。

    In addition , we must ensure that the writing of manuscripts should be fit for multimedia demonstration , make the topic clear and the contents well organized .

  24. 在“选项”下,如果想要将客户地址打印在新闻稿本身上以便邮寄(而不是打印在单独的信封)上,请选中“包含客户地址”复选框。

    Under options , select the include customer address check box if you want the customer address on the newsletter itself for mailing rather than on a separate envelope .

  25. 民国七年稿本《通山县乡土志略》管窥这些手稿本中有一些远古时代的故事。

    A Partial View on the Manuscript of Brief Local Records of Tongshan County Written in the Seventh Year of the Republic of China These manuscripts contain some stories of high antiquity .

  26. 好莱坞可能创造了世界上最好的电视剧,但是不列颠在世界非稿本节目中占有统治地位&智力竞赛题目,唱歌比赛以及其他形式的情景秀。

    Hollywood may create the world 's best TV dramas , but Britain dominates the global trade in unscripted programmes & quiz shows , singing competitions and other forms of reality television .

  27. 教学设计阶段主要包括学习者的特征分析、教学内容分析、教学目标分析、教学策略分析、教学媒体选择,最终形成文字稿本;

    The instructional design stage includes : character analyses of each student , teaching content analyses , teaching aim analyses , teaching strategy analyses , teaching media choice and producing the final written manuscript .

  28. 其稿本今藏于台湾中央图书馆,虽已影印出版多年,但研究清代诗学者未予重视。

    The manuscript is now collected by Taiwan Central Library , though its photomechanical printing copies have been published for many years , however , researchers on the poetry theory of Qing Dynasty rarely pay attention to it .

  29. 课件的制作可分为:安排稿本设计、编写脚本、准备素材、课件合成、试用评价五个阶段进行。

    The course ware can be divided into five parts : the design of the manuscript , the compilation of the script , the preparation of the material , the composition of the course ware and the trial and evaluation .

  30. 裘吉生在每一类的书目选择上,不仅注重珍本、孤本、稿本等珍贵文献的保存,更加注重其学术特点与实用价值。

    When choosing the books of every category , Qiu paid attention not only to the preservative value of only existing copies , precious copies and original manuscripts , but also to the academic features and practicability of every book .