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  1. 第二,总结了王时敏后期绘画思想的转变与发展。

    Second , summarizes the late Wang Shimin painting thought transformation and development .

  2. 一方面通过梳理王时敏本人的著作,更为准确的了解王时敏后期的绘画艺术理念。

    Through combing Wang Shimin works on one hand , more accurate understanding of the late Wang Shimin art concept .

  3. 本课题主要研究的是王时敏后期的生活交游、绘画思想和艺术流传等情况。

    This topic main research the Wang Shimin friends , painting thought and art spread in later life , and so on and so forth .

  4. 通过对其《雨窗漫笔》中的构图理论的分析,阐明他在继承董其昌、王时敏的基础上,对传统的重新认识。

    Through the analysis of the composition theory of his literary notes by the window on rainy days , this paper illustrates his new understanding of the tradition on the basis of inheritance of Dong Qichang and Wang shimin .

  5. 后者以“四王吴恽”(王时敏、王鉴、王晖、王原祁、吴历、恽格)为代表,乞丐是国王的后代,国王是乞丐的子孙。

    The latter was represented by the Four Wangs ( Wang Shimin , Wang Jian , Wang Hui , Wang Yuanqi ), Wu Li and Yun Ge . Every beggar is descend from some king , and every king be descend from some beggar .