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  1. 王莽在中国历史上一直是一个颇有争议的人物。

    Wang Mang was a controversial figure in the Chinese history .

  2. 王莽对古文经的笃信;浅谈宁夏古王高速公路绿化

    Discussion on Landscaping Greening of Gu-wang Highway in Ningxia King Lear

  3. 王莽改革的阶段划分及其评价

    The Devision and Evaluation of Wang Mang 's Reformation Stages

  4. 河南登封市发现一批王莽铸币

    Coins of the Wang Mang Reign Discovered in Dengfeng City , Henan

  5. 王莽时期的盐专卖;

    Salt monoply during the period of Wang Mang ;

  6. 汉儒与王莽:评述西方汉学界的几项研究

    Han Confucianism and Wang Mang : A Commentary on some Important Western Sinological Researches

  7. 但王莽并没有做好这个救世主。

    However . Wang Mang did not do a good job of this savior .

  8. 尽管王莽被谴责是一个篡权夺位之人,他却是一个博学的儒家学者。

    Although condemned as a usurper , Wang Mang was a learned Confucian scholar .

  9. 这对王莽是极不公平的。

    It 's absolutely unfair to Wang .

  10. 论王莽的政治理想

    On Wang Mang 's Political Ideal

  11. 全面改革王莽所实施的旧政策,整顿吏治。

    He made a comprehensive reform on the policies made by Wang Mang , rectifying the bureaucratic system .

  12. 另一例介绍王莽岭概况时,同时这里也是陵川县东南部近千平方公里的旅游区的一部分。译文为。

    At the same time , it is a part of the tourist area in the south of Lingchuan .

  13. 王莽、刘秀作为儒者型的帝王,也都选择儒学作为施政理论。

    Wang Mang , Liu Xiu as the Confucian scholar kings , also all chose Confucianism to take the administration theory .

  14. 公元17年,一场全国范围内的叛乱爆发了。六年后,也就是公元23年,王莽被反叛者杀死。

    In 17 A.D , a nationwide rebellion broke out.Six years later , in 23 AD Wong Mang was killed by rebels .

  15. 汉自高祖刘邦建国,历经十四代230余年(其中包括王莽的新朝>。

    The Western Han Dynasty lasted more than 230 years over 14 generations , including the Xin Dynasty founded by Wang Mang .

  16. 从其形制结构、文字风格等判断,当为王莽时期盗铸钱币的钱范。

    The form , structure and character style of the models suggest that they were piratical models used in the Wang Mang period .

  17. 王莽逃到渐台,被起义商人杜吴杀死,王莽的反动统治至此结束。

    Wang Mang fled to Jiantai , but was killed by a rebellious merchant Du Wu . His death ended the Xin Dynasty .

  18. 为了解决巨额财政赤字,王莽只得疯狂发行货币,用通货膨胀来解决所面临的问题。

    In order to solve the huge deficit , Wang Mang had to frantically issuing currency , with inflation to solve the problems faced .

  19. 刘歆为西汉王朝宗室,又为王莽新朝功臣,是学术造诣高深的经学家,又是将儒家理想制度付诸实践的改革家。

    Liu Xin was a member of the royal family in Western Han , and an important official in Wang Mang 's new court .

  20. 刘秀收集了数千人,突人王莽军的指挥中心,莽军大乱。

    He mustered a unit of several thousand men , and then raided on the Wang * s headquarters , which disturbed the enemies greatly .

  21. 刘皇室的远亲刘秀在地主和商人的支持下带头反抗王莽。

    A distant relative of Liu royalty , Liu Xiu , led the revolt against Wang Mang with the support of the landholding families and merchants .

  22. 王莽代汉并不是由王莽个人野心所导致的,而是儒生政治的必然产物。

    That Wang Mang took place of the Western Han dynasty was not resulted in by ambition of Wang Mang but the rule of Confucian scholars .

  23. 第四,古代文献所见的通货膨胀一般都是严重的,或是恶性通货膨胀,其危害性是公认的,王莽时期就是一例。

    Fourth , the ancient literature are generally seen serious inflation , or hyperinflation , and its dangers are recognized , Wang Mang period is an example .

  24. 实际上魏晋军区制的渊源,最早可以追溯到王莽末年、东汉初期。

    According to this rule , we can trace military region system back to the end of Wang Mang Dynasty and the beginning of Eastern Han Dynasty .

  25. 但是由于制度的缺陷性,特别是王莽时期的滥用,使这一制度在实施过程中也出现了不少弊端,从而降低了它的作用。

    Owing to the system 's defect and abuse during Wang Mang period , the system had much malpractice in its implement , and weakened its role .

  26. 毫无疑问,王莽是对中国教育事业起到重大推动作用的功勋人物之一,中国之所以能够形成大规模的社会办学格局与王莽是分不开的。

    There 's no doubt that Wang 's merit to the Chinese education makes Wang stay indispensable to the forming of the structure of running a public school .

  27. 西汉末年王莽在北京地区建立了大燕国,北京的别称“燕京”由此而来。

    At the end of Western Han Dynasty , Wang Mang established a large Yan in Beijing , for which Beijing has another name for " Yenching " .

  28. 公元前6年,王莽篡位,3年后建立新朝。

    In 6 B. C. , Wang Mang , a nephew of the empress of Emperor Yuandi , usurped the throne and three years later founded the Xin Dynasty .

  29. 昆阳一役在军事和政治上给王莽以沉重打击,刘秀亦因昆阳之战扬名。

    The Kunyang campaign dealt a crushing blow to Wang AAang both in military affairs and in politics . Liu Xiu also gained the prestige through the Kunyang battle .

  30. 《汉书》共100篇,叙述了秦末农民战争至王莽覆灭的230年的断代历史。

    The book comprises 100 volumes , covering the history of 230 years from the peasant uprisings towards the end of the Qin Dynasty to the defeat of Wang Mang .