
  • 网络Maxine
  1. 你好,弗蕾迪!是我,玛克辛。

    Hello Freddy , it 's only me , Maxine .

  2. 玛克辛:是啊,情况有点失控。

    Maxine : I know , it 's getting a bit out of hand .

  3. 最近几周,西尔伯曼及其团队召开了周一例会,通常是到附近的玛克辛酒馆(BistroMaxine)边喝咖啡边聊,讨论如何确保网站周四改版后的平稳运行。

    In recent weeks Silbermann and his team have held a Monday meeting usually in the form of a coffee run to Bistro Maxine to figure out how to keep the site running on Thursday .

  4. 玛克辛:还有花园尽头处的那两个小女孩,正动手在拔花圃里的花。

    Maxine : And those two little girls at the end of the garden are pulling the flowers out of the flower bed .