
  • 网络Maya hieroglyphs
  1. 世界上最早产生的几种象形文字,例如古埃及的象形文字和印第安人的玛雅文字。

    Humans generated several kinds of hieroglyphical characters , such as the hieroglyphical characters in ancient Egypt and Indians'Mayan characters .

  2. 古玛雅人的文字在风格上主要是图画。

    The ancient Maya writing is largely pictorial in Style .

  3. 大多数专家先前提到的,都是在塔巴斯科海湾州托土盖罗遗址的一块石碑上,玛雅人用象形文字刻下的那个日期。

    Most experts had cited only one surviving reference to the date in Mayan glyphs , a stone tablet from the Tortuguero site in the Gulf coast state of Tabasco .

  4. 中美其他民族都用玛雅人的日历。玛雅人运用象形文字书写体系。如今,似乎无人知晓玛雅人从何而来,又如何销声匿迹的。

    had deep astronomy knowledge.Their calendar was used by other peoples of Central America.Maya applied hieroglyphic writing system.Now it seems that the Maya came from nowhere and disappeared nowhere .

  5. 这些早期的玛雅文化学者在很大程度上依靠殖民档案文件中数据,这些数据是用玛雅文字书写和拉丁字母记录的。

    Those early Mayanists relied heavily on dates found in colonial documents written in Mayan languages and recorded in the Latin alphabet .