
  • 网络have fun;have a good time
  1. A:好的。我想我们一定会玩得很开心。我很期待。再见。B:再见。

    A : OK . I think we ' ll have fun together . I ' m looking forward to that.See you . B : See you .

  2. "我在店里玩得很开心。"

    I did have fun in the store .

  3. 我们在萨拉的聚会上玩得很开心。

    We had a lot of fun at Sarah 's party .

  4. 我们玩得很痛快——棒极了。

    We had a great time ─ it was pretty neat .

  5. 书不仅给孩子们以思想,而且使他们玩得更有意思。

    Books provide children with ideas and a stimulus for play .

  6. 我保证你会玩得很痛快。

    I can promise you , you 'll have a wonderful time .

  7. 孩子们追逐着彼此的影子,玩得很开心。

    The children were having fun , chasing each other 's shadows .

  8. 一种游戏玩得特别好是一桩惬意的事。

    It 's satisfying to play a game really well .

  9. 这是与男孩们外出玩得最尽兴的一个晚上。

    It was a full-on night out with the boys .

  10. 见他们都玩得很开心,他非常高兴。

    It gladdened him to see them all enjoying themselves .

  11. 我们在纽约玩得痛快极了。

    We had a wild time in New York .

  12. 我刚开始玩得起劲我们就得离开了。

    I was just beginning to enjoy myself when we had to leave .

  13. 他们在聚会上都玩得非常痛快。

    They all enjoyed themselves at the party .

  14. 我们在马德里玩得很开心。

    We had a great time in Madrid .

  15. 我们在聚会上玩得很开心。

    We had a blast at the party .

  16. 我们大家都玩得很开心。

    We 've all had a splendid time .

  17. 我们将玩得非常开心。

    We 're gonna have a lotta fun .

  18. 你玩得痛快吗?

    Did you have a nice time ?

  19. 我们玩得很痛快。

    We 've had a lovely time .

  20. 她虽然又是笑又是侃,但实际上玩得并不开心。

    She laughed and chatted but was , in truth , not having much fun .

  21. 他们好像玩得非常高兴。

    They seemed to be enjoying themselves .

  22. 我在聚会上玩得很开心。

    I enjoyed myself at the party .

  23. 我们玩得痛快极了。

    We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves .

  24. 祝你们玩得开心!

    Enjoy yourselves !

  25. 他们又是喝酒抽烟,又是打牌,玩得很痛快。

    They enjoy themselves drinking wine , smoking and playing cards .

  26. 我自始至终都很愉快,玩得很开心。

    I have enjoyed every minute . The craic has been great

  27. 他操着一口带有德国腔的英语问我在法国玩得是否愉快。

    He asked in his Germanic English if I was enjoying France .

  28. 我希望每个人都能够加入进来,玩得开心。

    I hope that everyone will be able to join in the fun

  29. 一路舟车劳顿,这对夫妇玩得并不开心。

    These trips were strenuous , and the couple did not enjoy them

  30. 谢谢你带我去,我玩得非常开心。

    Thanks for taking me , I had an incredible time